On her own Facebook page, the representative got caught up in the army of knowledgeable analysts and even more knowledgeable journalists.

“My God! How can analysts and journalists be so deaf and blind?!

What is happening now? Gergely Karácsony and Péter Márki-Zay are not backing down either. Klára Dobrev says she doesn't care what happens. Of course he doesn't care. Because he has the best chance to win this match. If he and any two become, even if all three stay, even then. Gergely Karácsony cannot back down, because then the boss will get angry, since that would be the only chance that a member of the Gyurcsány clan would not win. Márki-Zay cannot back down, as he may lose the voters he has gained, even his individual chances would disappear. If this line-up remains, there is a good chance that either Dobrev or Karácsony will win, so the boss can be satisfied with the gains in the opposition. If Karácsony steps down, there is a chance for Márki-Zay, but it's not at all certain, but dismembering the opposition would get geller.

The bad news is that according to the current state of affairs, and according to the dismal rural results of the primary election, none of them can defeat Viktor Orbán.

This is the biggest sin of this primary election and their actors, that 7 months before the elections, they showed their weaknesses to the big opponent in every way.

Therefore, they should apologize to the people in the opposition who want change."