Our reader's opinion about Péterr Márki-Zay, who claims to be a Christian, but denies Christian values

Péter Márki-Zay as the MMM prime minister's candidate causes a lot of concern. KDNP traitors in their movement, such as Katalin Lukácsi , disappointed Fideszes are pushing forward. Although Fidesz is said to be neither Christian nor national, this is actually what characterizes them.

Their advancement means the rise of liberal Christians, i.e. pseudo-Christians. The liberal Christian preaches the "other gospel", he doesn't care about biblical truths, instead he appeals to his own distorted gospel, presenting it as if they were Christians and right-wing, just as Márki-Zay and Katalin Lukácsi advertise themselves, deceiving many people of good sense.

The MMM rally held on Sunday and the attempt to destroy the Constitution itself, which Márki-Zay sets as a goal in the event of their victory, indicate that we are dealing with pseudo-Christians here. They want to abolish the Constitution that begins with "God bless the Hungarians!" Are they attacking the Constitution that wants to carry on the legacy of Szent István? The one that aims to protect Christian culture? The one that states that marriage is a union between a man and a woman? The one that clearly states that the father is a man and the mother is a woman?

It is a scandal in itself that all this has to be stated today, but in this age of gender, LGBTQ and homosexual propaganda, it is necessary. Therefore, the right-wing government does not even allow itself to be blackmailed by Brussels, which threatens to withdraw financial resources. The protection of Christian values ​​is so important to the government. But the opposition wants to destroy this, led by Péter Márki-Zay, who lied about being a Christian.

What kind of Christian is this Catholic man with seven children?
He is not a Christian, only a pseudo-Christian who classifies him under liberal false currents. At the MMM event on Sunday, Márki-Zay's activists and himself made it obvious what kind of Christians they are. One MMM activist said in his speech that he is an atheist and that there is a gay couple in his family. But Márki-Zay is a humane and accepting person, because he said (as a false prophet) that we are all God's children. He also belongs to the group of good-natured liberals who cover up crimes in the name of love, who do not distinguish between good and bad, true and false, relativize the truth and the family .

One of the moderators was Katalin Lukácsi, who appears at Pride parades, all her manifestations are not about real Christianity, even though she is a religious teacher and defected from KDNP. He introduced the speakers and activists one by one, who, like in a show, took the stage in front of the main attraction, Márki-Zay. The activists said that there is no need to deal with sexual orientation, that the trenches should be buried, and that there is no need to distinguish between who is normal in this area and who is not. No one cared that the government gave all people completely equal rights, regardless of gender identity, but only protected the sanctity of marriage.

It is forced to respond to the pressure of the international LGBTQ lobby, since it is already here in the country and what is trendy in the West will soon be knocking on our door here, like the fashion for gender reassignment surgeries, the transgender lobby's propaganda in kindergartens and schools. We already have storybooks, like in the West, which promote same-sex couples. And now libraries are lobbying to make it available to all children. We should have no doubts that the rest of them, which were invented to break up traditional families, will soon be here. If the opposition wins, among them Márki-Zay, the pseudo-Christian who is successfully pushing forward, everything that is being promoted in the bright West in terms of loosening morals and families will be within limits even sooner.

The opposition's strategy is to advertise about its opponent what is its own. This is called projection. They question the Christian and national nature of Fidesz, despite the fact that it proves it in actions, such as the Constitution and the Child Protection Act, for which it would even accept sanctions. These really represent Christian values, but those who want to destroy them are obviously pseudo-Christians, whose Christianity is only nominal, because they want to forge political capital from it , so to speak, the unification of the left and the right.

In his comment, Márki-Zay said that there is no need for sexual propaganda, migration, there is no need to belong to the East, we want to belong to the West, represent Christian culture (which he wants to destroy in the Basic Law) and be a European state of law. He called the Basic Law homophobic, like the atheist, socialist and liberal groups of the opposition. So much for his Christianity.

Why against Fidesz? It was said by an activist at the beginning of the MMM event. The answer sounded like this, because they are in series, even though many graduated with a Soros scholarship, among them Viktor Orbán . That is true, except that Soros is not the same Soros. The idea of ​​an open society slowly unfolded, which is György Soros' main aspiration in the world and which he wants to impose on all societies through his foundations. After the regime change, we weren't vigilant enough, we didn't see what he wanted. It is now clear that the main goal is to create moral universalism (Henri Bergson). He wants to realize the opposite of a closed society, a closed legal system, morality and religion. Multiculturalism, globalism, without morality and religion. However, since the Orbán government, our legal system is increasingly based on Christian morality, which is why we have become a black sheep in the world and an enemy of Soros.

However, Péter Márki-Zay supports this world without Western morality, and moreover in the name of Christianity. Western society today: (where they want to belong) "The law is suffering, the law is not enforced. Evil pursues the righteous, justice is twisted." (Foam1.49)