President of the Republic János Áder - at the proposal of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán - awarded state awards in recognition of their work and careers at the XXXII. for athletes who achieved outstanding results at the Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, as well as their training coaches. The awards were presented on Friday at the Parliament.

The XVI.
Kayaking Danuta Kozák and swordsman Áron Szilágyi were awarded the Grand Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit (civilian division)
in recognition of their outstanding results at the Summer Olympic Games and their excellent preparatory work The middle cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit with a star (civilian division) was awarded: national team coach Ferenc Csipes.
The middle cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit (civilian division) was awarded to: kayaker Tamara Csipes;
Norbert Hosnyánszky water polo player; national team captain András Tamás Märcz; Andor Dénes Varga water polo player; Preparatory coach Zsuzsanna Vörös. The following were awarded the Officer's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit (civilian section): selected head coach András Decsi;
Dóra Hadvina kayaker; Anna Kárász kayaker; Bálint Kopasz kayaker; Tamás Lőrincz, wrestler; Kristóf Milák swimmer; national team coach András Sike; Béla Somogyi national team coach, Sándor Tótka kayaker. The Knight's Cross (civil division) of the Hungarian Order of Merit was awarded to: sailor Zsombor Berecz;
national team head coach Tamás Dancsházy-Nagy; Preparatory coach István János Korponai; Viktor Lőrincz, wrestler; Kristóf Rasovszky swimmer; Duel fencer Gergely Siklósi; National team captain Csaba Sós, kayaker Ádám Varga. The Hungarian Golden Cross of Merit (civilian section) was awarded to: Dániel Angyal, water polo player;
fencer Tamás Decsi; Balázs Erdélyi water polo player; Gangl Edina water polo player; Garda Krisztina water polo player; Gémesi Csanád swordsman; Gréta Gurisatti water polo player; Anikó Gyöngyössy water polo player; Preparatory coach Gergely Hadvina; Balázs Hárai water polo player; Karate of Gábor Károly Hárspataki; national team captain Csaba Hüttner; preparatory coach Viktor Hüvös; Illés Anna Krisztina water polo player; Solid water polo player Jansik; Water polo player Rita Keszthelyi-Nagy; Preparatory coach Irén Demeter Kopaszné; preparatory coach István László Kovács; Pentathlon athlete Sarolta Kovács; Dóra Leimeter water polo player; Magyari Alda Manon water polo player; Water polo player Krisztián Péter Manhercz; Tamás Mezei water polo player; Viktor Nagy is a water polo player; Parkes Rebecca Grace water polo player; Water polo player Mátyás Pásztor; Natasa Rybanska is a water polo player; national team coach Attila Selmeci; swordsman András Szatmári; Dorottya Szilágyi water polo player; Gabriella Szücs water polo player; Krisztián Tóth juggler; Vanda Vályi water polo player; György Márton Vámos water polo player; Vogel Soma water polo player; Gergő Zalánki is a water polo player.

The Hungarian Silver Cross of Merit (civilian section) was awarded to: national team coach Tamás Kelemen;
preparatory coach Zsolt Matyus; National team coach László Szokolai; György Téglásy, team doctor of the Olympic team. The Hungarian Bronze Cross of Merit (civilian section) was awarded to: national team captain Attila Bíró;
preparatory coach Mihály Fischer; Marianna Kiss, general physician of the Olympic team; Ildikó Moldvay, physiotherapist of the Olympic team; Attila Pavlik, general physician of the Olympic team; Levente Gábor Pánczél national team coach; József Toman, general physician of the Olympic team; László Vitéz is a preparatory coach.

Orbán honors Olympic Games

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the XXXII held in Tokyo. Summer Olympic Games and XVI. Successful athletes and sports professionals at the Summer Paralympic Games after receiving their state awards at the Karmelita monastery on October 15, 2021. MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer

The XVI.
In recognition of their outstanding results at the Summer Paralympics and their excellent preparatory work, the Hungarian Order of Merit Middle Cross with a Star (civilian division) was awarded to: fencer Dani Gyöngyi;
fencer Zsuzsanna Krajnyák; Péter Pálos is a table tennis player. The middle cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit (civilian division) was awarded to: preparatory coach Viktor Feczer;
Iván Kovács is a preparatory coach. The following were awarded the Officer's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit (civilian section): selected head coach János Becsey;
Luca Ekler is an athlete; Illés Fanni, a swimmer; Kayaker Péter Pál Kiss; Zsófia Konkoly swimmer; Sándor Osváth Richard Osváth fencer; Priest Marina Bianka swimmer; Preparatory coach László Szalma; Veres Amarilla fencer. The Hungarian Gold Cross of Merit (civilian section) was awarded to: sport shooter Krisztina Dávid;
fencer Éva Andrea Hajmási; preparatory coach Árpád Jancsik; Madarászné Mező Boglárka fencer; preparatory coach Márton Marsi; Preparatory coach István Pruzsina; preparatory coach Szabó Álmos; Preparatory coach András Benedek Szirmai; Alexa Zsuzsa Svitacs, table tennis player; Eszter Katalin Varga is a kayaker. The Hungarian Silver Cross of Merit (civilian section) was awarded to: training coach Attila Csamangó.
The following were awarded the Hungarian Bronze Cross of Merit (civilian section): preparatory coach Andrea Ágnes Milgate; preparatory coach József Nagy; Iván Vitsek is a preparatory coach.

Source: MTI

In our opening picture: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the XXXII held in Tokyo. Summer Olympic Games and XVI. Successful athletes and sports professionals at the Summer Paralympic Games after receiving their state awards at the Karmelita monastery on October 15, 2021. MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer