If the mayor is Han Solo, then Budapest is on Tatooine.
TV Maci had to start late on Monday night, because Gergely Karácsony shared a rather interesting picture on his Facebook page, on which his face is masked as the most daring space revolutionary.
One's brain immediately starts to wonder if Han Solo was really a whiny guy like Christmas, would he ever have acquired the Millennium Falcon.
Or if Leia Dobrev was one of the protagonists of the rebellion, how many people would rather go over to the side of the Empire?
But if Christmas can do it, let's play with the idea of what a Hungary-centered Star Wars would look like.
The world-destroying weapon, the planet destroyer of the Sith, the Death Star, would be the SE center of Teréz körút. Sith lord Palpatine could be none other than György Soros, who watches from the background and moves the strings. The local garbage can,
the right-hand man of the Sith lord, Count Dooku, would be Ferenc Gyurcsány, who can never defeat the Jedi, but always tries.
Péter Jakab would be Jar Jar Binks, since no one understands why he is in the film, but according to bad language, he receives instructions directly from the Sith lord.
Unfortunately, the roles of Gergely Karácsony and Péter Márki-Zay are not really clear, since it is difficult to decide whether they should be classified in the army of droids or clones.
but it really doesn't matter whether they are on the side of the Empire or the Republic, since either way, they are only helping the Sith lord's plans come true.
But the most important question is who Viktor Orbán would be.
Yoda, leader of the Jedi? Obi-Wan Kenobi, the best warrior of the Jedi? Qui-Gon, teacher of a new era? We could not answer this question, so we leave the decision to the dear reader.
Source: 888.hu/Gergely Kárácsony's Facebook page