There is our favorite sport, soccer. Where, right, there are those who train the boys, set up the strategy, there are those who kick the ball, and there are those who know everything. The latter are of course much smarter. They shout from the shoreline, but what! Many times even the computer blushes...

We need a team! And there is a team! Selected. In national colors, but more importantly, with national feelings. They sing the national anthem with their hands on their hearts, and it's clear from the warm-up that they are capable of anything if they fight for their country.

They whistle from outside the coastline. What is this nationalist, chauvinist, anti-foreigner stuff? Phew! Let them kneel before the opponent, let them kiss their hands for being willing to play against us, let them even acknowledge that they want to dictate the rules. What is it that we stand against them? We are not worthy of it! Dare to be small! Come on opponent!

There will be no change of flags, the team decided that our own is also good for us. From outside the coastline, they demand that we replace it with a nice Brussels, and burn ours.

"Look at how lame they are!" - is heard from outside, even before the start whistle. "They don't know anything!" Exclusionary pigs! Open the field, let everyone who wants to enter enter! What is it that you can't be a team member who doesn't want to play, would only come for the money? Hu-ma-num! Solidarity!!!

Goal! We are driving!

"Fools are lucky!" You see, we are being swept away! That would be the real thing! These scum are always looking for enemies! They didn't even ask the opponent if we were allowed to score against them!

Another goal, it's two-nil.

- Not true! The opponent is leading, they are just cheating! Look at our unfortunate center forward! Twice he tripped over the ball, only by chance it turned into a goal. That's when I played! I was so drunk that hey! And there was our winger, our left winger, running like the Pannon Puma! We may have lost, but our game was great. And our defense! We smashed the fans so hot that they didn't even have a brain! What kind of protection do you have now? If the pushers protest against them, they just tolerate it like sheep! Is this democracy for them? Ours was a democratic defense, we didn't choose who went there, we beat him and that was it. Everyone is equal!

We're already three-nil.

"Incompetent gang!" They are stealing! They are stealing here! The ball is only there because it was stolen from somewhere. They should all be banned! When we can play football again, we will wipe them off the map. See how gross they are? The opponent kicked our midfielder again! Stupid judge! What is a free kick in our favor?! Blind mouse!

Four to zero, we won the game.

"They just think so!" Then the court comes and it turns out that we kicked goals illegally. Our team can't do it, and then in Brussels they will decide how much we lost. Go Europe, go United States of Europe!