Péter Márki-Zay's medication went off again when he logged in live on his Facebook page at the weekend. "I will campaign for people not to vote for the dog party!" - declared the prime ministerial candidate of the left.

It seems that Márki-Zay has found the right opponent for the left. According to him, Viktor Orbán will stay in power because of MKKP! He complained that the dogs did not participate in the primaries because there was no money! (sic) Apparently, a realistic alternative is that Fidesz will form a coalition with the two-tailed ones in 2022, after they have overthrown the opposition. (Damn it, I can already see the picture! Orbán gets a puppy as a gift!)

Márki-Zay also made a bolder statement like this:

"Orbán Viktor Gyurcsány is Ferenc Gyurcsány's man. "Fidesz did participate in the primary election, as it supported the Dobrev campaign with the file against me," explained the opposition candidate.

The left-wing Prime Minister candidate also spoke about migration and the situation of Hungarians living abroad.

"Viktor Orbán is driven by election victory when he supports Hungarians across the border," said Márki-Zay. According to the candidate for prime minister, many people across the border do not like this. He added: "this is as if they wanted to maintain Ceaușescu's power by trying to win the votes of Romanians in Hungary for Ceaușescu's power". Isn't this also part of Gyurcsány's mantra, so that Hungarians abroad - who can be bought for glass beads anyway (cf. Jobbik) - cannot vote in the elections. After all, they don't really care who makes up the Hungarian government and parliament? "You can think Márki-Zay-, it's certain that they won't get a single piece of iron from us!"

In the end, all twenty-three million people will invade Hungary, the poor Hungarians will lose their jobs, they won't even have potatoes left to throw at Orbán!!

If there are any other stupid people who believe that Fidesz is anti-immigration, let them be enlightened! - said Márki-Zay, then remarked: "these are poor people kept in the dark". In vain! He has a high opinion of the electorate.

Source: Wild shoots

Regarding the film Elk*rtuk, he noted: Fidesz obviously cooperates with Ferenc Gyurcsány.

I think I rightly think after this that Márki-Zay is actually a dog's man, he says so much nonsense in the political stand-up cabaret on their behalf. The Gyurcsány show must go on! It must continue! Dog comedy at its best!

Source used: Mandiner.hu,/vadhyxjonok.hu

Featured image: borsodonline.hu