One of the biggest events of American conservatives, NatCon (National Conservatism Conference), started a week ago in Florida. In addition to three American senators, Balázs Orbán also spoke at the conference. Anna Wellisz, political analyst, speech writer, vice president of the Edmund Burke Foundation in Washington, talked about the value system of conservative politics and its chances of survival in Kossuth Rádió's Sunday Newspaper program.

- In your general opinion, what did this year's National Conservatism conference reflect? A search for a way in the post-Trump era, or envisioning a clear path and looking for transportation on it?  

– The event was less about politics and politicians, but more about the ideas that drive politics. One of the things we managed to achieve is that we created a framework of ideas that extends from liberals on the left to conservatives on the right, and which excludes madness. It excludes progressives who believe that there is no God, no woman and no man. They imagine that there is no such thing as a nation, but only the liberated individual at the extreme, who can choose whether he is a member of a family or not, can decide whether he is a man or a woman or neither.

Basically, they don't care about any community at all, they just follow an ideology obsessively.

The whole neo-Marxist madness that includes the divisive logic of Marxism. It separates men from women, and within women those who are biologically women and those who are not. They separate children from parents, mothers from their babies.

They divide people who normally see the basis of their identity in their country, their nation - in our case, America.

They deny that they owe any loyalty to their nation or their countrymen. So this is what the left stands for, and this is what we have excluded from the framework of ideas. On the other hand, there are those classical liberals who still believe in the need for an anchor, which is the basis of the national oath of allegiance, which reads: "one and indivisible nation before God, which provides freedom and justice for all ".

Among us on the right, there are no identitarians, people who would imagine that race is a determining factor in any sense. As imagined by the extremist idea, be it neo-Nazis or any race-based discrimination on the left or right, we all reject this.

The theme of the conference was the indispensability of parents in raising their children and the right of parents to raise their children.

In his lecture on the first day, Professor Glenn Lowry spoke about America's heritage, American culture, literature, and literature in English. He spoke of the political tradition of freedom that belongs to all Americans, including black Americans. It is also their heritage, and no one should question it, and they should not believe it when someone tries to explain otherwise. As a result, they too must take moral responsibility for the decisions they make in life.

It was Chris Rufo who spoke about the situation and rights of parents and the destruction that is being done to those rights. All critical theories are about undermining our culture and traditions, and not even by making everyone a part of it, but simply by replacing it with something else, undermining it and not making everyone equal. To undermine it in order to destroy the culture and impose a completely different order in its place. It is precisely this “different order” that we have seen the violent imposition of since the protests and riots of 2020, which also appears in schools.

– Once these main ideas are defined for action, do they have enough channels to get it to people? This can be a challenge.

- The situation is very strange, that on the last day of the conference, elections were held in several states across the country. And the conservatives did well in these...

"For example, in Virginia ."

– Yes, in Virginia, but there was also an election in New Jersey and New York. Officials were elected for various positions. It turned out that our message was getting through. As for Virginia, we are talking about a state in which Joe Biden won by a margin of 10 percentage points. That Joe Biden, who has been in office for just eight or nine months. His people lost, the ones he campaigned for. In Virginia, former President Barack Obama joined the campaign on the side of the Democratic governor.

He tried to say that the things that the other side brings up and rebel against do not even exist. He claimed it was all nonsense. Then it was revealed that a boy wearing a skirt raped a girl in a girls' bathroom at a high school. A boy who is supposedly genderfluid and feels like a girl. And he did something that girls don't do with girls. He was transferred to another school where he also assaulted a girl. The parents are not crazy, they do sense that there are serious problems.

Then there is critical race theory, in the name of which they divide classes into oppressors and oppressed, and then explain to five-year-olds that they have inalienable characteristics over which they have no control. For example, the fact that they are white, and that they are boys and not girls, and as such they are the bad and oppressive ones. Regardless of what they do or what kind of life they live. If they're white, they're the oppressors, if they're boys, that makes them oppressors too, and so on. We could see that a rebellion from below had started.

- This is a sign.

– I think this is a sign that we are not only talking, but also being heard. Namely, on the part of completely normal, average people, who take seriously the previously mentioned bonds of belonging, their love for their children, their care for their communities and environment, their neighborhood. They took this with them to the polling booth and voted accordingly, not even for a party.

An incredible win and an incredibly quick turnaround. Only a few months have passed since the administration of the new president, as he only took office on January 20 this year. This choice represents a stone-cold rejection of his politics. Not even on the grounds that it's Trump vs. Biden, but quite simply that normal people have refused to have rules imposed on them that they find unacceptable.

Not only was what was happening in the schools unacceptable to them, but also what the Department of Justice was doing, which was inciting the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the FBI, on the parents.

A memo was leaked, classifying parents, hard-working, tax-paying parents, as domestic terrorists just because they do not agree to the sensitization program. Because they don't support shared bathrooms between boys and girls, because they don't like their children being told that they are oppressive and oppressed.

It's not just the rebellion of the white parents, but also of the black and brown parents, who are teaching their children that they don't have a chance, they were born a victim, and they will die as a victim. He cannot change his life because everything is against him, he is a loser. You were born with dark skin, so you are a loser, you will be caught and destroyed - what a message for children! If you want to discourage them so that they feel like their lives are worthless because they have no choice, no matter what they do, this might be the right message.

If you want children to choose not to study, but to raise them to be activists who march in the streets, set fires, attack people, and think of themselves as revolutionaries, instead of becoming students, thinking people, dignified human beings who understand that , that by investing a lot of work, spending time, developing themselves, learning, trying to find the truth, their lives will be better. But the message is not that, the message sounds like; go to the streets, beat people, destroy, because you have only one choice: revolution. Erase everything, destroy everyone. This message is not resonating with American parents, but rather outrages them, regardless of their skin color.

– As a final conclusion, can we very simply say, back to common sense? Is this the main message or one of the main messages?                 

- Fully! With God's help, because man is not God. This is important. We are not perfect, we will not be able to create paradise, and if we try, it will only be a monster, a satanic doom. So yes, common sense - common sense. We don't want to build a tower of Babel, we don't want to build a global power. We do not want to commit the sin of individual pride, nor do we want the sin of political pride. Only God can be God, not man. So common sense and love. Love for our family, for our neighbors, for our country and the extension of this goodwill to other nations, to other democratic nations. The world must be built according to them.

Source: Kossuth Rádió /

Cover photo: Anna Wellisz, vice president for external affairs at the Washington-based Edmund Burke Foundation, head of the White House Writers' Group (Source: Facebook)