We can prove with irrefutable facts that vaccination saves lives With irrefutable research results, we can prove that vaccination is extremely important and saves lives - said Miklós Kásler, Minister of the EMMI in his statement on the impact assessment of vaccines.

In a video interview with Életközelben, Miklós Kásler talked about how the vaccine test started at the beginning of this year proved that all tested vaccines used in Hungary are effective.
The head of the ministry said that between January 22 and June 10, 2021, 3.7 million people were vaccinated and their data was processed. Based on this, it can be said that the vaccines used in Hungary against the infection protected people between 69 and 88 percent. They showed an even higher efficiency in preventing death, each vaccine prevented the disease becoming serious and the loss of our patients by an average of 88 to 98 percent.

With vaccination approx. 9,500 human lives could be saved during this period and almost half of those affected were saved by the administration of the two eastern vaccines, he emphasized. Confidence in Eastern vaccines has significantly improved in the world, which is proven by the fact that the United States also allowed people vaccinated with Sinopharm to enter the United States , he added.

Summarizing the research results at the end of the interview, Minister Miklós Kásler said that the data justifies the decisions that were made on the vaccination strategy, even in the absence of these data and facts, based on medical judgments so far.

(Cover image source: Facebook)