Anyone could follow the siege of the Belarusian-Polish border in the news, the violent invasion attempts of migrant forces throwing smoke grenades and stones at the Polish border guards. Of course, the migrant caressing Index has reached its threshold of irritation to the extent that here again the problem is with the border guards protecting the territory of their country, they gave their article a worthy title: "More than a hundred refugees were injured in the siege of the Polish border" .

Although the opinion of the Belarusians should be treated with a minimum of reservation by every honest pro-Unionist citizen, the statement of the department head of the Grodno Territorial Investigative Committee is more than suitable for the leftist propaganda paper, if it can write something dishonorable about the pro-Orbán Polish regime, which is hated even more than they are:

Investigators have been working for four days to document the consequences of the inhuman behavior of the Polish side, which used water cannons, sound grenades and tear gas against refugees seeking asylum in the European Union. To date, we know of 109 injured people, of whom 22 are women, 15 are minors and 10 are children.

Igor Chernyák, head of the Grodno Territorial Investigative Committee, told the Belarusian news agency Belta Regarding the nature of the injuries, he said that we can mainly talk about eye burns, sore throat, chest pain, dizziness and nausea.

It's probably chemical poisoning. This was also confirmed by experts

said the head of department.

Fortunately, we are not only trying to find out about the world about the Index, otherwise we would be trampling on our thousand-year-old friends...