Our non-Christian brother Péter Márki-Zay explained on the BBC broadcast: he definitely supports same-sex marriage, because it does not conflict with his faith, because "civil marriage is a civil legal act". Overwhelming argument; following this, the next logical step would be to point out that he is also advocating generous financial support of LGBT propaganda, because it is not at all contrary to his faith, as it is a completely secular financial act. Then it could come that he favors euthanasia and the liberalization of abortion, because they are mere acts of medical science (so am I the keeper of my non-believing brothers and sisters?). More.

Of course, MZP can ignore the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium of its own free will, according to which "the lay faithful are especially called to make the Church present and active in places and circumstances where only through them can the Church be the salt of the earth ".

You can keep your beliefs at home between the four walls, carefully surrounded by the compulsion to conform.

 However, if, being a Christian politician, you want to actively contribute to the erosion of the institution of marriage and the emptying of its concept, and your conscience doesn't bother you because of this, then you should at least remove the label "I am the authentic Christian" in bold. Really only because he himself reminded me the other day: his religion forbids him to give his name to a lie.

But here we also have this "#same love" campaign alongside the so-called "rainbow families" - for which, by the way, credit goes to the LGBT lobby, because they really make their "community" constantly "present and active" everywhere. However, when the "progressive theologian" as an enthusiastic supporter of the campaign asks what kind of religion can have the right to take away one's own child from homosexual "parents", we may rightly guess that in a careless moment, progress has eaten the theologian.

Apart from the fact that the Creator, for some reason, left out the possibility of homosexuals becoming parents from the world created with very sophisticated sensitivity and infinite wisdom, religion naturally does not argue anything with anyone, but rather offers a path, with quite good references. Deny yourself, take up your cross, follow me, and you will have eternal life - difficult as it is difficult, but it was promised by Jesus Christ, who then personally went up to Calvary.

Author: Francesca Rivafinoli/Vasárnap.hu, you can read the entire article here.

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