Clinical psychologist Emőke Bagdy received this year the Duna Award, founded by Duna Televízió and awarded for the tenth time. The recognition was presented by László Kövér, Speaker of the Parliament, and Menyhért Dobos, CEO of Duna Médiaszolgáltató Nonprofit Zrt., on Thursday in Budapest.

At the ceremony, László Kövér said that the Danube Prize proclaims that "our national community is a living reality", which always proves to be stronger than the forces that want to break it up . The recognition strengthens "our belief in the national sustaining power of our values ​​stemming from our Christian European cultural roots" year after year, he added.

He put it like this:

Emőke Bagdy is a "gentle soul protector" in a "wild, soul-destroying age".

According to his words

"Soul destruction" is the result of a conscious pursuit of power. A tool for the representatives of interest groups that drive world domination to break the will of their fellow human beings, influence their thoughts, control their actions in order to subject them to the aspect of their own political and financial benefit

said László Kövér.

He believed

breaking the human will is the goal of all non-democratic power machines. While earlier in history, physical violence was mainly used to break the will, after the Second World War the method changed in the Western world: they now influence the mind

he said.

However, 20th century history has shown that if a community survives violence, it can gather strength and free itself at the right time.

said the Speaker.

Today, in the Western world, we have "reached an epochal boundary". After breaking the body and influencing the mind, the new tool of non-democratic power aspirations became "breaking the soul". "Soul destruction by alienation" and "soul robbery", the complete elimination of the sense of value. They try to alienate the Westerner from himself, so that in the end he doesn't even know if he is a boy or a girl, he said.

The aim of the "soul destroyers" is to make people vulnerable, against which only a similarly conscious defense can lead to results: such as Emőke Bagdy has represented in Hungarian psychology for decades

he declared.

László Kövér called the awardee a healer and builder. He mentioned that Emőke Bagdy played a key role in starting four majors as a university professor. The awarded specialist psychologist, psychotherapist, supervisor, candidate of psychology, professor emerita - listed.

Bagdy Emőke is a brave public fighter, but like all real soldiers, he does not fight against someone, but for someone. He fights for people with mental illnesses, broken families, and addicts. Today, however, this is not enough, so he had to take on other battles, for example against the "soul robbers", the Speaker insisted.

As he said, the world is at the point where it takes courage in the West to say that pedophilia is pathological and harmful. However, according to Emőke Bagdy, abnormal sexual activity that exposes innocent children to permanent injuries should be condemned and prevented. The laureate also stated: the right of psychosexual education must be returned to the parents , László Kövér pointed out.

Menyhér Dobos recalled: Duna Televízió first spoke in 1992. This became the nation's TV, which connected the motherland with the separated areas, and gave hope to the Hungarians living abroad, he added, indicating that the link that must be preserved is "our culture, faith, traditions and our sweet mother tongue".

The Danube Prize, founded in 2012, is awarded to individuals and organizations who have done a lot for the preservation of Hungarianness, said Menyhért Dobos , emphasizing that Emőke Bagdy is a permanent figure in the public media.

The recipient stated that he sees the meaning of his entire working life in the recognition. He said:

considers himself a psychologist and a teacher at the same time. He always acts and speaks according to his beliefs and convictions, he added. He emphasized that he thinks the most important thing today is the protection of identity, as misconceptions "float in the air", "we are slowly encountering beliefs in the direction of dehumanization". Emőke Bagdy also talked about how she sees her life as a service.

In the press material of the event, it was written that the Danube Award, founded on the twentieth birthday of Duna Television, can be won by those who have done a lot for their community with their exemplary work and activities.

Every moment of Emőke Bagdy's life is defined by such basic values ​​as humanity, kindness, and the desire to help. The specialist tries to make the world a better place, they emphasized. He is not only a professional psychologist, writer, university professor, psychotherapist, but also a master and friend in formulating his environment. In recent decades, Emőke Bagdy gave more than a thousand scientific lectures, wrote textbook notes, studies and edited books in addition to his specialist books. Countless reviews, tenders, and many media appearances are associated with his name, read the press release.

The Danube Award was created in the spirit of the Danube Television, which was launched in 1992, with the aim of expressing their appreciation for the work of all those who do a lot for national unity.

The award was first received by writer and poet Sándor Csoóri, one of the founders of Duna Televízió. He was followed by Sándor Sára, the first president of Duna Television, and then László Tőkés, a reformed pastor and member of the European Parliament. In 2015, Csemadok, the Slovak Hungarian Social and Cultural Association, in 2016, the Transcarpathian Hungarian Cultural Association, in 2017, István Pásztor, president of the Vojvodina Hungarian Association, in 2018, the Rákóczi Association, in 2019, László Kiss-Rigó Szeged -bishop of Csanád, and last year the Kormorán ensemble was awarded.

The vase with this year's recognition was made by hand for weeks at the Hollóház Porcelain Manufactory, one of the ten oldest companies in Hungary, it was announced at the ceremony.

Source: Photo: MTI/Csilla Cseke