The Regőczi Foundation, established to help children left orphaned or semi-orphaned due to the coronavirus epidemic, can be supported on the fundraising line 1357 - the state secretary responsible for church and ethnic relations told Kossuth radio Good morning, Hungary! in his program on Monday.

Miklós Soltész - who is also the president of the National Humanitarian Coordination Council - said in the program: "in peacetime", the six largest domestic charitable organizations - the Catholic Charity, the Hungarian Maltese Charity, the Hungarian Red Cross, the Hungarian Ecumenical Aid Organization, the Hungarian Reformed Charity and the Baptist Charity Service - forms the Charitable Council, which performs its work as a National Humanitarian Coordination Council during an emergency.

In the period before Christmas, the "own" donation collection line of the charitable organizations operates, but donations are also accepted on the common donation collection line 1357 - the national solidarity line - the donations received there will be received by the Regőczi Foundation, which was launched by the President of the Republic and his wife, he explained. . He added: the Regőczi Foundation is supported by the public media "It's good to be good!" fundraising campaign.

Miklós Soltész reminded that the National Humanitarian Coordination Council is working in three priority areas this year: one is assistance related to the coronavirus epidemic, from which the Regőczi Foundation "branched off", which is also supported by charitable organizations, and the third area is helping the victims of the earthquake in Croatia.

The state secretary also spoke about the fact that, in addition to smaller donations, more and more companies and wealthy people support the work of charitable and civil organizations, and young people are also happy to undertake voluntary tasks.