The biggest problem of Hungarian public life is the lack of a legitimate constitution. Unfortunately, the most recent constitution does not meet the requirements of legitimacy, as it was adopted in a legal manner, therefore intervention is necessary as soon as possible.

To our great regret, the 1989 amendment of the 1949 constitution called itself "temporary" and asserted its validity "until the adoption of the new Constitution of our country". This was a fatal mistake on the part of the agreeing Elites, as we all feel that this was the One True Constitution that should have been valid forever!

Gay József Szájer took advantage of this market gap, who wrote Fidesz's homophobic Basic Law on his iPad, adhering to the framework set by the 1989 amendment and current laws. Thus, after 2010, the Hungarian Parliament adopted the new Basic Law with a two-thirds majority based on these laws.

But the letter of the law is not everything. Its spirit is much more important!

So we have to realize that the Basic Law adopted on the basis of the previous constitution and the order of existing laws is completely illegitimate, since it was accepted by two-thirds of Fidesz and the gay József Szájer wrote it on his iPad. The test of a constitution is not legality, but the Idea, which can only be known by those chosen for it, and by no means the two-thirds majority of the legally elected Parliament, even less the gay József Szájer, who wrote a homophobic constitution on his iPad.

Péter Márki-Zay also wants to heal the huge gaping wound caused by the Idea of ​​the Hungarian Constitution, and asked Zoltán Fleck to write a new constitution on behalf of the True Majority (Bolsheviks).

The fact that Zoltán Fleck is already writing the future, Real Constitution of Hungary without any kind of authorization, various valid laws, parliaments and other unnecessary things already seems a more legitimate process than if the opposition wins an election with a two-thirds majority and drafts a constitution within the framework set by the existing laws.



But so that Fleck doesn't stay alone, Kontra is announcing a contest to write the constitution! 

Anyone can draft a constitutional text at home, either on an iPad or on paper, which will then be reviewed by the Subcommittee for Expert Evaluation of Constitutional Texts (ASZEA) of the opposition's Resistance Committee (but, it really exists - ed.). (For celebrities such as Áron NoÁr Molnár and Tomi Fluor, ASZEA is obliged to provide the tools necessary to complete the task - crayons.) The members of the jury (Mária Vásárhelyi, László Bartus, István Dévényi, István Elek, Válasz Online editorial , the editorial staff of Magyar Hang, Jenő Kaltenbach, György Gábor, András Jámbor, and Zoltán Fleck as the board's president) will select the best texts from which the new, genuine, legitimate, liberal-democratic constitution of our country will be assembled at the end.

Of course, the text will not be put to a vote under any circumstances (this would only damage the sacred text), it does not need to be approved by the parliament by vote for its adoption; its approval will be decided exclusively by ASZEA, and then Péter Márki-Zay will sign it (the American embassy can comment). If the opposition wins in 2022, the new constitution will automatically enter into force. Even if he doesn't win, the day after the 2022 election at the latest. This condition guarantees that the illegitimate "Basic Law" will be repealed and that Orbán will thereby lose his power.

for the text drafts to the e-mail address [email protected]

Show Fidesz what a real constitution looks like! Become a constitutionalist too!

Given by Gábor / Contra
