In certain professions, it sometimes happens that people arrive home later than usual. Not to mention a little debauchery. Surely the wives are not very happy at this time. However, you can beat the explanation with some invention, as Gyula Gózon did in the past.

The great actor lived in Rákoshegy with Lili Berki. Uncle Gyula loved splashing around and there were times when he chatted with his colleagues and splashed around. Of course, he was terrified of his wife if he went home late. On one occasion, taking off his shoes, he crept cautiously towards the bed. However, his spouse awoke from his sleep and asked:

  "Gyula, is that you?"

   - Why do you ask? Did you expect anything else?

On another occasion, also after midnight, Gyula Gózon sneaked home and his wife half-asleep asked him:

"Gyula, what time is it?"

   "Ten, my soul, ten."

   - It can not be. He hit one first.

   "Perhaps you want him to hit the zero?"


(from the collections of Béla Tóth and Károly Szalay)

(Cover image source: MTI/Andor Tormai)