Motto: "Nothing can stand against the truth for long: you can attack, but you can never defeat." - Saint Ignatius of Loyola

"I am confident that our compatriots managed to live the blessed and gracious Christmas of the Savior's birth yesterday in intimate, loving, peaceful and healthy conditions, and at the same time draw strength for the obviously rock-hard national defense struggles of the new year, which is fateful for our nation and began today.

The globalist-liberal forces and their domestic henchmen and servants have now taken the crosshairs of everything that is sacred to the Hungarian people and the pledge of survival: God, homeland, family, our traditions, our national values, our national unity. This year, these circles want to usurp the power, in order to abusing it - of course, undermining the requirements of the rule of law that they always refer to as scriptures - to abolish and liquidate the national foundations of Hungarianness, and even the pro-normality framework of our national state itself, in order to turn our country and Hungarians into obedient minions of the globalist world network do it and act against the national resisters with left-wing terrorist methods again, similar to 1919, 1945-48, 1956 and 2006.

It should be clear to all Hungarians with patriotic sentiments and national values: in order to protect our present and future, we must use all means to prevent the plan to eliminate Hungarians and we cannot allow left-liberals to come to power.

They will attack with unprecedented force and recklessness, so we, responsible patriots, must have our minds and hearts in the right place to do what the homeland demands. Every patriot is needed in this fight. And we, national defenders of rights, will be there in this fight, as we have been doing since 2004: serving our nation with the tool of the law, because we will not give up on the rights of Hungarians.

We can still confidently draw from the guidelines of our excellent leaders:

"A typical patriot is not one who subordinates the good of the country to government considerations or party interests, but one who steadfastly and without cowardly fear always subordinates the first two!" – count István Széchenyi

"You can't always do what you have to, but you always have to do what you can." - Prince Gábor Bethlen of Transylvania

. "So let's help ourselves and don't believe those who can destroy, but can't build." - Bishop Ottokár Prohászka.

On behalf of myself and all national rights defenders, I wish a happy new year full of health, joy and success to all our dear friends, comrades-in-arms, supporters, website visitors, patriots fighting for Hungarian freedom and justice anywhere in the world, but also to those who do not agree with us. , and even to those who are against the nation, in the hope that sooner or later they too will realize: Hungarians have a mission, the fulfillment of Love, Truth and Freedom, and that is why we must together do our best in the year 2022 too!

I confess with the Transylvanian prince Gábor Bethlen that: "If God is with us, who is against us? "

Budapest, on January 1, 2022

With patriotic greetings:

Dr. Tamás Gaudi-Nagy, lawyer,

the National Legal Protection Service ( ).

Cover photo: The Battle of Nándorfehérvár. The work of an unknown 19th century painter. In the middle of the picture, the artist depicted János Kapistzrán with a cross in his hand