In recent months, Péter Márki-Zay has insulted almost all layers of society: in addition to rural residents and supporters of utility reduction, his number one target has been the elderly. Now he insults pensioners almost every day. Origo has collected the most outrageous sentences.

Péter Márki-Zay is unable to stop insulting the elderly. On Tuesday, he repeated in ATV that pensioners are "destroying". Gyurcsány's candidate rejected the criticism he received for his New Year's speech - even from the left - in his opinion, he cannot be attacked, because whoever attacks him endangers the election results. Of course, Márki-Zay's boss, Gyurcsány, immediately stood up for his candidate, proving that the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely does nothing without his approval.

During the show on Tuesday, the presenter of Egyenes beszéd (as if turning to the viewers) was forced to note separately that Péter Márki-Zay's opinion does not reflect ATV's position, so Márki-Zay faces a possible lawsuit regarding his statement, and not the channel .

Márki-Zay's latest scandalous statement is certainly not without precedent, as he said in his New Year's greeting that the Fidesz camp could not grow, since the coronavirus decimated the elderly population. Already in November, Márki-Zay spoke about the death of the elderly caused by Covid as one of the tools of his imagined election victory. Andrea Tarquini's interview with Péter Márki-Zay was published on November 7 in the left-wing Italian newspaper La Repubblica. In it, the candidate, who was still fresh at the time, mainly talked about how he wants to win the 2022 election.

At one point in the interview, Péter Márki-Zay said the following: "Orbán is supported by fewer and fewer people. Now they stand at 48 percent, but they are decreasing. They are voted for by the older generation, which was decimated by the Covid, which [Orbán] was not able to deal with effectively, and not by the young talents who are leaving the country in increasing numbers"

However, Márki-Zay also attacks the elderly on another front. "When jobs are lost, do I give extra benefits to retirees? This was about as outrageous as building a 5,000-capacity stadium in Felcsút," stated Péter Márki Zay in 2020 at a conversation held at the Gellért Hotel.

Earlier, the left-wing prime ministerial candidate told Olga Kálmán, a failed TV presenter who was politicizing in the DK, as follows:

"They gave the field to the otherwise very talented Gordon Bajnai, a minority government, to fix what they messed up. [...] The unsustainable situation was handled by the Bajnai government, it abolished the 13th monthly pension, started to put the public finances in order, and austerity measures were introduced. [...] As an economist, I considered the measures introduced by the Bajnai government to be completely appropriate, since they had to be implemented anyway."

If it's already the 13th month of pension, Márki-Zay talked about it recently, in an online conversation with Gyurcsány. Here, according to the Magyar Nemzet report, Márki-Zay said: The problem with these irresponsible steps, like the overhead reduction, is that they are very easy to promise, give, and extremely difficult to cancel. So we know that the previous government failed in part by abolishing, let's say, the 13th monthly pension.

During the conversation, Péter Márki-Zay called the 13th month pension a dangerous measure, as he said, "we are not even talking about eliminating utility cuts, because once the Orbán government has given it to someone, it is very difficult to get out of it. But this also has an extremely harmful impact on environmental protection. Also from the point of view of justice". According to the left-wing candidate, the introduction of the 13th month pension is therefore not fair and even dangerous.

Photo: Máté Krisztián