They require the presentation of the topic of sexual orientation and gender identity in the curricula of the subjects

It is common to hear from left-wing parties and organizations that call themselves civil that the referendum initiated by the governing parties is essentially meaningless, since no one in schools and kindergartens wants to influence the sexual orientation of children.

On the other hand, it is a fact that the Hungarian LGBT Association already demanded in 2012 that the topics of sexual orientation and gender identity be displayed in the curricula of subjects.

In the 2012 report of the organization, which mobilizes people who differ from traditional sexuality, the following can be read: "In October 2012, we also commented on the extremely detailed - several thousand-page - framework curricula prepared based on the NAT (National Core Curriculum - ed.). This draft also did not say a word about the topics of sexual orientation and gender identity. In line with our opinion expressed during the NAT debate, we also tried to ensure that the topic of sexual orientation and gender identity is highlighted in the curriculum of various subjects."

They specifically drew attention to the fact that it is extremely problematic for them to claim traditional gender roles as examples and to emphasize the biological function of gender roles.

One of the important results of the year was that we adopted a five-year strategic plan at the October general meeting. The plan explains the future vision, mission and organizational values ​​of our association and formulates eight strategic goals, the Hungarian LGBT Association wrote in their 2012 report.

One of these is the increased presentation of LGBT topics in public and higher education, but they also include improving the legal, institutional and financing conditions for gender reassignment.

The association also attacked the Basic Law after its adoption. The new Basic Law, which contains an exclusionary definition of marriage, does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. In a press release, we protested against the fact that, in connection with the debate on the Basic Law, some politicians and media organizations referred to the possibility of same-sex marriage as an EU dictate, they wrote in their report in 2012.

But in addition to the Basic Law, the Family Protection Act was also attacked.

In June 2012, the Democratic Coalition announced a proposal allowing same-sex couples to marry. In August, when the draft was completed, the Hungarian LGBT Association took part in a personal meeting with the vice president and expert of the DK.

During the meeting, it was emphasized that it is important to consult with other parties regarding the draft before submitting it, and attention was drawn to the fact that the draft unjustifiably maintains the current provision that requires the dissolution of their previous marriages for transgender persons who have officially changed their gender - he calculated in the alliance.

In the spring of 2012, Jobbik (which was still chaired by Gábor Vona) attempted to banish LGBT issues from public life. The same party has completely discarded its identity in 2021 and cooperates with DK.

On April 3, the Hungarian people can give their opinion, among other things, on whether minor children can be held in public educational institutions without parental consent in a session showing sexual orientation, or whether the majority of society feels that the family is the best arena for issues arising in minors. clarification.

Source: Magyar Hírlap

Photo: Hungarian Nation