The greater part of our society is getting more and more tired of the political give-and-take before April 3rd, moreover, as Comrade Virág said to Comrade Pelikán in the film The Eternal Witness: "the international situation is getting worse and worse", so now I only have two, seemingly tangential thoughts I live.

The first is related to the fact that, in my opinion, much more depends on local constituencies than we think. By April, the opposition is recruiting 20, but rather 30,000 vote counting members. Their arguments include: in 2018, their members did not make it to ten percent of the voting districts. I looked it up. In 2018, there were 10,285 polling stations, of which 14,533 members were pro-government and 15,150 in opposition. As far as I know, the rule is still the following: a minimum of 5 members per station. The municipality nominates three members from among the local applicants, the others are delegated by the starting parties, namely a maximum of 2 people per district or party. According to the description, the members receive a gross remuneration of HUF fifty thousand for the day of the parliamentary election, in addition, they will be excused from work the next day, so they will have a paid rest day. I cover that during their recruitment of vote counting called 20k22 by the "left", they were even promised additional money, in any case, they advertise above that they already have more than ten thousand volunteer applicants.

Come on now! If the opposition coalition does not qualify as a "unit" in this respect, so each of the six companies can nominate 2 members to the committees, then they will inevitably have a strong preponderance. I really hope that I will open doors with this call for attention, ours thought about this too - the success of the whole thing may depend on it. We can already hear why, but it has to be said again and again. In spite of the apparent observance of all laws, if in a voting circle there are more members of the opposition than of the government, abuses and manipulations will inevitably occur despite all the will. It is also certain that the opposition, true to their proven habit, will attack the civilian side with things they themselves commit. The whole picture is aggravated by the fact that there are quite a few O1G-based parties - which consider themselves independent of the coalition of six - and it is easy to organize that a large part of their 20-30 thousand recruited vote counting members are named under their auspices - which is again only against the governing parties and their candidates promotes voting. It is impossible not to see that they are preparing for this. I will not go into the other dangers this time, but I am afraid of them, exploiting the membership opportunities alone can be decisive. Especially in such a way that it is not even possible to make preliminary organization impossible through legal loopholes. I can only repeat: trouble should be prevented within the framework of the regulations and the relevant law, because we won't get anywhere by gloating afterwards!

My other thought is one of the most important elements of the "finish line". The serious question: which side will be able to win the decisive part of the indifferent? From the nationalist side, many of us have recently raised edifying, stinging, "I'm angry for you, not you" criticisms regarding the activities of our reigning superiors, representatives, and media warriors. Many of these are the so-called excessive, but many suggestions can be considered very legitimate. Everything was done with good intentions, whether it reached the leaders or not. The more valuable one never used his tools against him, throwing mud and spitting. We wrote things like "one must always choose the least evil among the many evils", and similar things. Why did we strive for a restrained tone and criticism? Not because we don't want to trust ours, not because we don't accept the ambiguities due to the results, "this side builds, the other can only destroy", etc. truths - but solely because we foolishly thought they would get there these fair opinions also apply to those on the other side, horribile dictu to see if one or the other can be steered in the right direction. Naivety! The trenches stiffened. They don't read, listen, or watch anything from us on that page. Only their front-line fighters, and those only to have something to mock, turn upside down, attack. They have succeeded in convincing their own masses to such an extent that what comes from here is all lies, nothing good, and without violent polarization I say: if you have to choose between a no-name, caught off the street or a wild stranger sent from abroad and a ruling party candidate who has been recognized for a long time here, so they vote for the former without thinking.

All this is especially true of our recently "lost" capital - unfortunately even today. Let's face it, it is also a fact that it is now more or less mutual, although not only the style, but also the content is completely different. The sharpest example: we do not threaten physical destruction. They would also rewrite the constitution with a half majority and announce it from above, suspending the rule of law for a second during the ongoing accountability and punishment - of course, only after they take over power according to today's laws. For which they expect recognition of their victory, which otherwise they can never do. Their leaders always serve interests alien to the Hungarian soul. The nationalistic civic leadership considers something else important. And the uncertain millions who don't think about it, who decide every election, have the self-deluding belief that "one is nineteen, the other is almost twenty"; by 2022, life-threatening, all-important, sometimes "who pays more" behavior is adopted, but what a difference! Later, it is hoped that there will also be a respectable opposition that claims a national minimum - it would be necessary - but for now, there is no such thing on the horizon offering a real alternative.

There is and could be a lot of criticism against ours now, but - and this is the point: now is not the time for that. What has happened so far has happened, now the only important thing is that on April 3rd, as many of our compatriots with the right to vote as possible can see: here and now the existing government parties are the only force that can actually oppose the worldwide left-liberal steamroller, the of all external/internal nature and anti-human efforts , nation-destructive intentions.

Now, our first-line fighters must not lose their spirit, their skills, their attitude. You have to be stronger, smarter, more authentic and more prepared than ever. Now we must support them unconditionally, they must feel that the majority of the country is indeed with them. Responsible criticism can resume after April 3.

From below, it looks like only our country and Poland have a chance to oppose it - as long as these nations can remain under civil governance based on elections at all. There is still a chance for the V4, partly for the Italians, some of the small Baltic communities, some western conservative parties that are still far from strong enough - at the same time, it is not an exaggeration to say that Hungary itself is the leader and the one showing the way in this struggle.

There are also enthusiastic companions among us who look with healthy envy at the 48- and 56-year-olds who were lucky enough to be born at such an age that they could be real heroes. Well - I would argue that the event in 2022 is at least as important. "Now or never" has always been a slogan during parliamentary elections, etc. - but the current one really determines the future of our nation for decades. A real freedom struggle, which we are right in the middle of. If we win, the opposition will not disappear, but the idea according to which everything and everyone can be bought will receive a fatal wound - according to which politics is a more serious matter than entrusting it to the will of the people, according to which all the human material of the ball must be turned into a faceless, indebted , to make a de-Christianized, obedient, exclusively mammon-worshipping, unbelieving crowd that will never be able to raise its head again.

May the Almighty forgive me if I am wrong, but fully aware of my imperfection and lack of knowledge, I believe that in this case it is pain, but I did not shoot next to it. In the spring, we must definitely have two positive appearances. March 15 – peace march and April 3 – election.

My dear contemporaries - word for word - the stakes are so high. I'm not denying my name either - it can be found at the beginning of the article - but the authenticating signature "sk" should be a little more substantial this time. None of its epithets are fiction, because we are repeatedly honored with such words from the other side, which is becoming less and less tolerable, to say the least:

 A mushroom-like thing kept in the dark, fed with manure, to be made to run on the ground during cleaning, to be sent to prison and/or to be collected on IFA platforms after being hung on a lamp iron, hanging on the weed lackey media, deceiving people for utility reduction, blinding peasants for family assistance, for progressive progressive LGBTQ gender deniers, for brain-sensitized children's gender reassignment without parental consent. to the opponents, a stupid, white, heterosexual, rat-shaped, incapable of thinking, unfortunate disgusting fascist who is stupid even for a crossword puzzle, completely aberrant rural, jerk to the core, brain-disabled ignorant, absolutely misguided and misguided, ugh homophobic lesnemulas formation who, along with a couple of million of his peers, he is willing to be happy if he has to go to India for eye surgery.

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