All members of the European Parliament (EP) received a leaflet defaming Viktor Orbán and Jarosław Kaczyński in their mailboxes yesterday. It is an action committed and financed by the left wing of the EP: the leaflet calls the party presidents illiberal Pegasus brothers, who, according to the socialists, not only violate European values, but also do not respect the privacy of Europeans. István Ujhelyi proudly admitted that he and his Polish colleague were campaigning - the PestiSrácok reviewed the Magyar Nemzet article.

I am proud to announce that my colleague Robert Biedron and I were. By distributing the flyers, we wanted to draw attention to the Pegasus case - the socialist politician wrote to the members of the European Parliament, repeatedly calling the Hungarian and Polish governments populists and autocrats. According to Ujhelyi, the task of the members of the European Parliament is to stand up for European values ​​- in his view, his campaign action was carried out in the spirit of this.

We are very proud of him - he underlined many times in his letter, to which he also linked a video he made about the Pegasus case, for objective information. Due to the campaign based on fake news and the defamation of the party presidents, the European Parliament delegation of Fidesz and the Polish Law and Justice also sent a letter to EP President Roberta Metsola. In the letter signed by the head of the Hungarian delegation, Gál Kinga, and the head of the delegation, Tamás Deutsch, they ask the president to take measures to preserve the dignity of the European Parliament and the culture of democratic debate. As they say,

the procedure of the left goes far beyond the scope of such sharp-toned political expression and debate, and clearly goes against the written and unwritten rules of the European Parliament.

We are convinced that no political difference of opinion can justify the institutionalization of defamation - they underlined, at the same time calling the flyers unprecedentedly false and grossly personalizing campaign material. Ryszard Legutko, head of the EP delegation of the Polish ruling party, also expressed his shock at what happened. In the Polish letter, he brought it to Roberta Metsola's attention: it is scandalous that one faction of the EP is able to finance the printing of lies. We demand immediate action - Legutko writes, according to whom, among other things, an investigation is needed into what sources and exactly who financed the campaign. He reminds that, according to the current rules, all members of the European Parliament must act with respect, dignity and courtesy, without any prejudice or discrimination.

Source, full article and featured image: PestiSrácok, Magyar Nemzet