It doesn't matter if someone wants to take advantage of the countryside or be of use to it, János Lázár declared at the campaign opening event.

The people of the Alföld, the people of Vásárhely, the people of Makó know that I was not and will not be the cutest representative of Hungarian history, I don't have a flattering style, sometimes I do say sharp things, although this is still better than spitting sharp things in my mask, like it is today fashion - declared at the campaign opening event of János Lázár, who is running for the sixth time in the Parliamentary Constituency No. 4 in Csongrád-Csanád County.

It must be nice to be the likes champion, but I'm not into that. Thank God, false saviors fail quickly, but everyone always needs a implementer, an actioner and a practical person, said the politician from the ruling party.

By the spring of 2022, many people in the country were insecure, because a huge machine, also supported from abroad, is deliberately making a lot of Hungarian people feel insecure - he said, adding: we have to fight hard so that they don't let the cheese sing out of their mouths on April 3rd, and don't vote against their own interests , or don't allow yourself to be kept away from the ballot boxes.

According to him, the village or small town reality does not appear in Pest's political debates and TV shows.

At most as a condescending parody or series. Somehow, as in Mr. Márki's thinking , he thought.

Addressing Péter Márki-Zay, he said:

It would be time for the messiah of the left to understand that the countryside, for example this city, is not a dump, and the people living here are not campaign activists or free statists. This is a city waiting to be operated and developed, grass and weeds must be cut here, not sheep grazed. Roads need to be renovated here, but not the ones that are already good and renovated, even though the brother-in-law didn't like it. Public catering must be provided here, and people should not be put on a diet, especially those who are in dire need of adequate, cheap food. Here, a library should be built and a high school renovated, not out of weakness or deliberately failing the resources that have been fought for. The hospital should be supported here and not sucked. Here, public money should be saved, it should not be scattered on unnecessary bus routes - argued János Lázár at his campaign opening event.

He put it this way: "Márki-Zay only up, Hódmezővásárhely only down. This is the certificate of the last three years, which is how this city became a leader. This is what the lip service, deceitful and divisive politics did to us, which the messiah now wants to unleash on the entire Hungarian world."

János Lázár also sent a message to the government politicians. He believed: "it is not enough to be of rural origin, one must also remain pro-rural . You have to stay in daily contact with the countryside and everyday reality". He added: "for me this region is not just the starting line, for me this region is the goal".

You can read the entire Magyar Nemzet article

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