The construction of family apartments, playgrounds and a solar park begins at the Roman Catholic national shrine in Mátraverebély-Szentkút; during the works, the shrine will function without disturbance - said Lóránt Orosz, director of the shrine, to MTI.

Lóránt Orosz announced that the public procurement tender has been completed and an agreement has been reached with the contractor, which will build the facilities included in the tender until the end of 2023, so that the Catholic national shrine will become a family-friendly religious tourism site.

The family apartments, the campsite, the playground, the sports field, the solar park, the parking lots and the roads, as well as the renovation of the Calvary Chapel, are being built at the farewell place in Nógrád County with a HUF 3.4 billion non-refundable grant from the Hungarian Tourism Agency. .

The goal is to reduce seasonality, extend the farewell season from May to October, and appeal to families, young people, and cross-border pilgrims and tourists. The director of the shrine emphasized that special care will be taken to ensure that the construction does not affect the operation of the shrine in any way.

Source: MTI

Featured image: Vasá Krisztián