The harshest discrimination is always characteristic of those who protest it the loudest.

"Pride announced on its official website that it is helping Ukrainian LGBTQ refugees. So far, all organizations have been able to help without discrimination, despite the fact that our coexistence with the Ukrainian people has not been smooth, to put it mildly. Pride is the only organization that says that refugees should be differentiated according to sexual orientation and identity.

Human evil takes many guises and is slowly becoming a commonplace, but the fiercest discrimination is always characteristic of those who protest the loudest against it.

I signal to the progressive organization financed by the Western capital concern that no distinction should be made between refugee and refugee. Especially not the rainbow used by the world's most vicious mass murderers, Nike responsible for the Uyghur genocide, or Coca Cola linked to the execution of union members in Colombia as a PR trick to cover their bloody hands.

Pride's discrimination is unacceptable: a starving and cold person does not deserve help because of their delusional gender identity and different preferences, but simply because they are starving. There is no difference in this. Praise him!”

Father Tibi / Facebook / Mandiner

Featured image: Budapest Pride Facebook page