I'm not a big expert on the subject, but I think everyone needs fasting. We can see how much strength faith gives to a person.

How many non-believers pay tens of thousands of forints to participate in various cleansing treatments. Although there is Lent every year, which doctors also say did not come about by chance, since people detoxified their bodies every year by giving up eating meat. Avoiding meat helps with gout, if you have it, inflammation of the intestine decreases and cholesterol and other blood fats also reach an appropriate level. I can attest to it myself, it's only a matter of imagination, what exquisite meatless dishes you can eat, and on Sundays we eat fish. So it is worthwhile to live without meat for 40 days, which not only strengthens our faith, but also benefits our health.

In fasting, we meet ourselves, it reveals the emptiness of our hearts, shows us our weak and vulnerable points, where we have to take up the fight. Fasting transforms and tames the destructive forces within us. It teaches humility and obedience. That's why 40 days of poverty would be good for those who believe themselves to be infallible. Perhaps they would perceive a little how much annoyance they caused to many.

Deprivation would not only free their bodies from many toxins, but perhaps also their souls. And for the majority, fasting was recommended because it would be good to get rid of the many poisons that have accumulated over the years before Easter, so that we can continue our life journey according to our faith in Christ, purified both physically and spiritually. Because as we know, fasting should make us better and more merciful. That is why Jesus suggests that fasting should be done in secret, or if not, then with joy. Only those who have a lot of butter behind their ears should fast in secret, and the joy will come to us...

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