Ferenc Gyurcsány shared the following sentences with his fans on his social media page yesterday.

"Aging, unsmiling young government officials furrowed their brows and disapproved of yesterday's teacher, candidate teacher and student demonstrations.

Because right now is not the time, and you shouldn't be anyway.

Don't you say?!

They say that King Ferdinand V of Hungary was not held in high regard for his wits, to put it mildly. According to the well-known anecdote, on the evening of March 13, 1848, noticing the clamor of the Viennese revolution, he asked his assistant officer in fluent German: »Why are so many people making noise?«

To which the assistant officer: »They are making a revolution, Your Majesty.«

To this the emperor: »Ah, and are they allowed to do this?« ("Ja, dürfen's denn des?")

Then back to March 2022!

I think it is allowed and should be done.

My German is not good enough for me. But I can say this much to the powerful today:

Auf Wiedersehen!”

2022 plus:

Dear Franz!

Since the knowledge of the German language is not good enough, let's stick with the Hungarian language, although you can't say that it is good enough by using it either. In any case, you should realize that only a small group of fans hold you in high esteem for your reason, the majority have the exact opposite opinion, and they even believe that you should not have closed Lipót.

And while we're at Auf Wiedersehen, you said that you can leave here! So it would be a great relief to this country if you would say:

Auf Wiedersehen!