Needy people from Ukraine are not safe in Germany, hostels full of economic immigrants pose a risk especially to young women

Thanks to the influx of illegal migrants in recent years, the German refugee system can no longer accommodate the needy fleeing the war in Ukraine. According to the German police union, no one has any idea who and how many are coming to the country.

According to them, the left-wing government is handling the crisis in an amateurish way.

While the staff of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee recently complained that the Hungarian government would be unable to accept Ukrainian refugees because the reception centers were kept empty for too long, according to the German experience, the opposite is causing the problem.

In an interview with the Tichys Einblick news portal, Heiko Teggatz, director of the German Federal Police Union (DpolG), spoke about the fact that the German reception centers full of migrants are not suitable for receiving the new refugees arriving from Ukraine. Registration of illegal immigrants puts a heavy burden on the police and authorities, they don't have enough people to filter out illegal immigrants who mix in among the arrivals, Teggatz said.

According to the German trade union leader, the situation due to the influx of Ukrainian refugees is now more critical than it was in 2015, both due to the number of arrivals and the overload of the system. The federal police do not have the ability to control the large crowds arriving on trains, so according to Heiko Teggatz, the number of people crossing the country's borders could be twice as high as the official data on arrivals. According to his reports, a large number of migrants are also among the families fleeing the war, according to the latest information, for example, an increasing number of local Roma from Moldova are coming to Germany on trains carrying Ukrainians.

The director of the police union also reported that there is a complete lack of organization for the reception of refugees, so they rely mainly on the help of volunteers and German families. He said that those who offer accommodation at the stations may also be those who abuse the situation of refugees and may force young women into prostitution.

He also attributed the complete collapse of the refugee system to the case that happened this week, when a young Ukrainian woman staying in a refugee camp in Düsseldorf was raped by two migrants living there.

According to Teggatz, the Merkel government only hindered effective border controls, but the current left-wing German leadership also questions the raison d'être of border controls. He said that the attitude of the authorities towards the worsening refugee problem is characterized by complete amateurism.

Those who, fulfilling their duty, at least randomly try to determine who actually arrives in the country on the trains, often have to apologize. Human rights organizations object to the fact that arrivals are checked according to racial characteristics, which is why passengers with a non-European appearance tend to get caught.


Featured image: AFP/Hans Lucas/Fiora Garenzi