"Hungarian TV loyal to the government broadcasts Russian propaganda," Katarina Barley, the German vice-president of the European Parliament, wrote in her Twitter post. He also added that, as far as the limitations of the scope allowed, the representatives of Fidesz voted for the resolution condemning Russia in the EP, but they publicly claim the opposite." This comment referred to the credibility of the right wing, using Márki-Zay's terminology to expose the Fidesz lies. The post was read by hundreds of thousands of followers.

was invited to Budapest by his friend from Brussels, Klára Dobrev The topic was attention-grabbing wrapped in the greaseproof paper of freedom of the press, let's come to the lackey TV, let the world see that our European comrades are with us! In addition to the eternal topos of press freedom, they also demonstrated against eternal corruption. Viktor Orbán & Co. are robbing their own people, stealing the money of Hungarians and Europeans, and Europe cannot tolerate this any longer, said Barley.

Mrs. Barley is the kind, smiling lady who wanted to starve the Hungarians, take away every morsel from them, force them to their knees, and if they are willing to join the united ranks of the European peoples, then they will be thrown a few pence. This great woman who knows everything Merkel's government. I will never forget when, in a round-table discussion, he managed to say with his superior German arrogance that his East German compatriots were not yet mature enough for democracy. He said this during the Chemnitz riots in 2018, when the despised citizens wanted to exercise their democratic rights.

There is a lot of traffic in Brussels around the house of the rainbow opposition. Donald Tusk was invited to the national holiday Péter Jakab , because of the six, his party, Jobbik, which has so far been incompetent in European party families, is winking at the People's Party. Tusk is the president of the People's Party, who is also Polish! What a great constellation, for the uninformed, it suggests that the opposition coalition is supported by the Christian-conservative European People's Party (once) and even by our Polish friends. In addition, no Poles came to this year's Peace March because of the war, one can speculate whether the thousand-year-old Christian friendship is falling apart. In short, with his presence and speech, Tusk campaigned for the multi-party opposition and thus interfered in the Hungarian elections. "The future of Europe is at stake - he declared - the re-election of the pro-Putin Hungarian Prime Minister poses a threat to all of Europe." Then, as is customary when announcing the results of boxing matches, he raised the hand of the opposition prime minister candidate.

It would be boring to enumerate the indirect or direct intervention from Brussels, but the new Sargentini , the German savior of the Greens, should not be left out of the list. Daniel Freund , who changed his Dutch comrade's consistently green wardrobe to a rainbow color, spectacularly representing the new European values. He also visits Hungary a lot to report on the anti-democratic mafia state here. He has many friends here, who provide him with the necessary ammunition, with which he constantly fires at Viktor Orbán. He recently said on a German radio broadcast that they, the progressives in Brussels, must unite in order to save democracy, rebuild the Hungarian rule of law, whatever the cost!

All the hopes of the European Parliament are in the united opposition in Hungary, who may be able to win by up to 3-4 percent despite all the difficulties, for example the electoral law of Orbán, which is unfavorable to them. For their part, they are helping where they can, for example, withholding the 7.2 billion euros of non-refundable recovery money owed to Hungary, and delaying all kinds of payments by enforcing the rule of law mechanism.

Freund and his friends see nothing wrong with joining forces with fascists and communists , it is a necessary compromise, he says, because the goal - to drive Viktor Orbán out of power - justifies any means. Drive away, that's exactly the word he used. I can imagine how the German parties will team up with the devil (Nazis, Bolsheviks) after, say, 2015 to "drive" Angela Merkel , out of power. Why didn't they?

The actions of the mentioned ladies and gentlemen in support of the Hungarian opposition, the reports of the independent, but actually left-liberal media are aimed at Europeans. But they know that the compromised Hungarians must also be shown the right direction. That is why Deutsche Welle launched a Hungarian-language channel a year ago, so that Hungarians can now also be brainwashed by the German public media, so that we can also enjoy the coverage that discredits our country in Hungarian. There is a program that portrays the Hungarian government as extremely nationalist, corrupt, pro-Russian, homophobic, anti-democratic, depending on what is needed. Now they interfere in the elections with their reporting, but this does not interfere with their democratic commitment at all.

The other day, Momentum's German team organized an online discussion with three "independent" German journalists in Berlin. We learned that the European press, in contrast to the Hungarian one, represents true humanist values. Before 2010, the situation was completely different! - they said, but since then Orbán has attacked democracy and undermined the rule of law. This is how the audience - the momentous people and their sympathizers - could accept this, because where were they back then! Five years ago, the party itself didn't even exist, the concern for their future brought them together for a moment, and then they stayed here on our necks forever. Throwing away their life's dreams, many old people unsuspectingly signed the form of the anti-Olympic referendum for the kind young people. This is how they burst into the public consciousness, finding the right campaign theme.

Now entering into an unacceptable opposition alliance, the topic is whether Fidesz can cheat the election? Because the West does not understand the stakes of the Hungarian elections, it does not pay enough attention. If Orbán stays, he will continue to divide the European Union. Their MEP representatives will do their best to prove the point. A full-scale election mission is also coming, more than two hundred inspectors will watch the suspected fraud with suspicious eyes. This was the wish of twenty Hungarian NGOs, supported by sixty-two members of the European Parliament committed to legal clarity, who said that the voting would not take place "according to the highest democratic standards".

It reminds me that last year's German elections were not accompanied by this kind of attention in Europe. There would have been a reason, since already in 2017, electoral irregularities committed at the expense of the AfD were established by statistics based on a representative sample. The responsibility clearly rested with the volunteer staff of the constituencies. Volunteers who reject the right-wing AfD were simply invalidated or incorrectly counted. According to them, this is the right procedure for the sake of democracy.

The 2021 election was icing on the cake, in some places they were unable to check the votes cast. In Berlin, for example, there were several elections (federal, parliamentary and local) at the same time, with different voting rights. You can vote for the latter two from the age of 16, and indeed, federal ballots were distributed here and there to these nice, green level-preferring young people. The ugliness was revealed when the real beneficiaries did not get the ballot. We can see the result. Every miracle lasts three days, and they managed to spread it.

We, on the other hand, have to be very careful, even with OSCE inspectors. We can see how the game plays out, who is preparing for election fraud, who wants to interfere in the integrity of the Hungarian elections by any means and means!

Author: Irén Rab

(Cover photo: PestiSrácok/Gyula Péter Horváth