Ferenc Gyurcsány changed a few days ago, from Viktor Orbán's dwarf to a wolf on the fallen prime minister's Facebook page.

"It's a crazy confusion, because if Klára Dobrev's government is the Shadow Government, then Viktor Orbán's Wolf Shadow is the Wife herself, in whose shadow Ferenc Gyurcsány is once again standing. Then he would be the Shadow Husband? The shadow of the wolf's shadow?

Whatever. What is most incredible in all of this is that this much has come together in more than 12 years of opposition, and in the 11 years since the establishment of the Democratic Coalition. A constant tsunami of hatred, unimaginative heat rants, confusing Facebook posts and the Shadow Government of the Wife.

I have no problem with an opposition party creating a shadow government, in fact, this could be an effective way for them to work for the good of the country with serious professional work, in an authentic and believable way, to formulate professional political criticisms and a concept and vision that goes beyond them, which is understandable way. But this is not what is happening, the Shadow Government is doing nothing different from what the opposition has done so far: it criticizes in an uncritical manner, spouts slogans and hates Orbán.

However, there are areas where Viktor Orbán, who is otherwise outstandingly successful and has a performance that can be measured on a historical scale, has shortcomings. I myself have been working in public education for about 20 years, in the line of church maintenance. And I agree with everyone who says that the least successful sector of the government in the last 3 terms has been education. In this area, the opposition would have a long way to go, that's not even a question. On the other hand, the question is why they don't come up with sensible, thoughtful answers, why they didn't prepare for the elections with a regular educational program. Again, they had 12 years to dazzle the industry and their voters. Instead, they shoved a few-page pamphlet in our faces in March, and "flashed" a candidate for minister of education completely unknown to the people on the street.

And now, when the teachers are protesting, what are the opposition politicians doing? Measured by professional and political standards, it is exactly what it has been: nothing. They take silly selfies and behave quite pathetically. Apparently, they don't care about anything and anyone except their own image, they don't have a meaningful sentence to exaggerate, what they have to say is probably at the level of shouters standing on the sidelines."

Balázs Puskás, senior researcher at the Szent István Institute

Source: Facebook

Featured image source: Magyar Nemzet