The future of Europe lies in European families, if the European Union respects these communities and tries to break down the barriers in front of families, it serves the future of the continent, said the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Human Resources in Budapest.

Bence Rétvári stated at the international conference "Strengthening breastfeeding and breastfeeding for the future of Europe" that the future of Europe cannot be better served than by supporting the needs of European families, and any country that does not do this is on the wrong path.

These communities that have been formed for thousands of years must be respected, served and supported, the state secretary stressed. According to Bence Rétvári

they are amazed at what the custodians in Hungary do for Hungarian families all over the world.

The state secretary said that the government tried to strengthen the midwifery system, since the midwifery salaries also increased in parallel with the salary increases for health professionals, family-friendly maternity hospitals were created with HUF 10 billion, which meant the introduction of new methodologies in addition to the infrastructure. He added:

In Europe, Hungary spends the most on family support.

Among other things, it was said at the conference that the nanny support of the families fleeing from Ukraine was organized over a weekend, and that ten thousand of the refugees have already received nanny care in Hungary in recent weeks. The conference was organized by the Professional Association of Hungarian Defensewomen.


Featured image: MTI/Zoltán Balogh