From the compilation of, you can find out which documents and according to which rules the parliamentary election and referendum will take place on April 3, 2022.

Hungary has a single-round election system, so the composition of the 199-member parliament is decided on the date set by the president of the republic. The mandate of the representatives is for four years, but they can renounce this, or in case of conflict of interest, they can be deprived of their mandate.

You can vote with proof of identity or address, for which you need a valid identity card, passport or driver's license, as well as a residential address card.

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, the government extended the validity of documents that expired after March 11, 2020, so you can also participate in the voting with them.

Those whose documents expired before March 11, 2020, can apply for a new one even on the day of the vote at government windows and document offices.

After verifying their identity, voters receive a total of three ballots:

on one of the ballot papers for one of the six national parties, or if you have registered as a nationality voter, then on a nationality list,

on the other, to their individual constituency representative,

and on the third, they can vote on referendum questions.

In addition, for the first time since the change of regime, a national referendum will be held at the same time as the parliamentary election. You can get more information about the four-question referendum

The national referendum is valid if more than half of all voters voted validly, and it is effective if more than half of the voters who voted validly gave the same answer to the formulated question.

You can vote on April 3, 2022 from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Those who are still in line at 7 p.m. can vote, but after that the vote counting committee closes the voting. Those who arrive after 19:00 are no longer allowed to vote.

more information on the portal.