Just as Putin attacked Ukraine, the West took Hungary under a frontal attack. It was expected, but no one believed that it would happen like this, in such a vile way.

In the run-up to the election campaign, after the earlier sporadic shootings, the European all-out attack against Hungarian politics, the government and, of course, Viktor Orbán began. You just scratch your head from the virtual balls. He's on the defensive, he's out of ammo. You should respond to meanness with meanness, that won't work.

I'm watching the most watched program of the German public television, ZDF, in the evening. Forty minutes are dedicated to presenting Orbán's system, the corruption based on trade with the East, the Fidesz-friendly municipalities that turn a blind eye to everything, and the oppressed opposition press. The cultural complaint of Róbert Alföldi, the difficulty of having children of the same sex, and the legal champion of justice cannot be left out either.

And, of course, everyone should see the great hope, the Christian opposition prime minister candidate with many children who knows everything, whose anti-corruption campaign is based on uncovering misuse of EU funds. After all, it bothers many true Hungarians that Orbán's Hungary has turned its back on the West, pursues Putin-friendly policies and disregards European values.

In the Austrian public service TV documentary - Hungary, Orbán's illiberal democracy - well-known Brussels and seasoned Hungarian opposition politicians authentically say the same in the prepared moderation of our countryman, Mr. Lendvai. The Brussels figures are always the same, without any claim to completeness: Michael Roth /SPD, Daniel Freund /Greens, Manfred Weber /President of the European People's Party, Katharina Barley /SPD, Martin Schultz /SPD, Jean Asselborn /Luxembourg Socialist Workers Party, Monika Hohlmeier /CSU and the Hungarian narrators: Mayor Karácsony Accountability Commissioner-designate Hadházy Bálint Magyar , the creator of the timeless Mafia State. The goal: to present Viktor Orbán as a dictator so that people can see how much of a threat he is to European unity. For the unit that is not.

I could go on and on, because to some extent we are included in German-Austrian and other state television broadcasts every day, and always with a negative tone. If someone does not have a TV, they are not without information in this world. Both the print and online media spread manipulative reports discrediting conservative Hungary and the Hungarian government's policies, the source material for which is provided by the international campaign staff of the opposition coalition. And not only in German-speaking areas, but everywhere the tentacles of the red-green globalist media octopus reach. He would have thought that even the Finns would intervene in our Hungarian election campaign alongside the left.

Because let's not embellish it, that's what we're talking about, intervention! This is the combined fire of the western artillery, which was joined by Ukrainian President Zelensky with eastern snare fire. I would tell him to focus on his own country, but he can only focus on what he is assigned to do. Now with Hungary's revenge.

It usually happens in the war that if the target area (Hungary) has been loosened with snare fire, the saboteurs can come and the close attack can start. The subversive team illegally interferes in the integrity of the elections with the most modern technical tools of the time, with an army of trolls, phishers and hackers.

There was already the hacker test, hacking attempts against right-wing portals, blocking of SMS and Facebook pages. And let us have no doubts, the website of the National Electoral Office will be attacked in due time. It's lucky that the election is done on paper.

The melee is initiated under the leadership of the Captain, verbal weapons are used, and the pawns recruited into the election staffs will act in due time, in the spirit of the advance directive.

The more pessimistic are prepared for defeat anyway. They are already packing because they could not bear another defeat. You can't live in this country even now, especially if Fidesz wins again! Let them try in the coveted West! Where the state of energy need has already been introduced, where inflation is over seven percent and utility costs have doubled or tripled. They cannot even make their voices heard, because in those great democracies there is no room for dissent. If you don't believe it, check it out!

Source: Magyar Hírlap

Author: historian Irén Rab

Cover image: ZDF logo