At Easter, people quieten down a bit and go into themselves. He thinks about fate, examines his own or his nation's situation, looks for causes and effects.

Because everything has a reason and there are no coincidences.

Now I'm wondering why the very idea that Subcarpathia can return to the motherland bothers the haladaris.

Because I see in the comments that they are hastily protesting, shaking their heads, pushing dozens of laughing heads, and complaining that it's really not good, it shouldn't be, in fact, it's really bad.


However, they should approach it from the point of view that if Transcarpathia returns, the West will move to that point, and the ends can be filled with civil organizations, O1g graffiti , the Háttér company can also push in Ungvár, and the rainbow flag can be taken to the Ruthenian villages.

Wouldn't it be paradise for them if they held a screening on trans rights at the foot of the Vereckei pass?

The subject of my contemplation now is not the historical reality of this matter, either in the current delicate war situation or in the long term. I am neither a historian nor a geopolitical expert. Moreover, even if I knew something - which of course I don't - I still confess that nothing should or should be talked about if there were any concrete plans or preparations at any time. If there ever is such a thing, I hope they keep it under wraps and keep it secret, don't push it in front of Aunt Aranka and Uncle Géza to reason in comments, or have their favorite independent newspaper write a communiqué in advance about how horrible and extreme this is, we don't need that. and who says what anyway.

Because such a reaction would be expected.  For more than a year, Azonnali has dedicated a long article to the topic with the title: " Lower Carpathians will no longer belong to Hungary. "

"Many factors support the fact that Hungary violates Ukraine's sovereignty. Neighboring countries consider Viktor Orbán's right-wing government's rhetoric about Great Hungary alarming. For him, Hungarians abroad are only voters, labor force, who serve as a means of gaining influence and exerting pressure."

So the subject of my Easter meditation is: Why does this bother them?

If they are no longer happy, why don't they care? If they do not have a sense of historical mission, a connection to the Hungarian past, the pain of their ancestors, or even to the future Hungarian rise? Why doesn't it matter? Why counterprinters? I also don't make a fuss if someone writes that Athletic Bilbao will win here and there, because I don't care. Keep scrolling.

Then by the time the coffee ran out, I deciphered it. Simple. If Transcarpathia comes back, it's the same as when the Hungarian national team advances: good for Orbán!

And what's good for Orbán, no matter what, anything, no matter what, even golden rain over Pest, really doesn't matter, it's bad for them.


Author: Ádám Pozsonyi
