In an interview with Mandiner, Judit Varga said that she attended the meeting of the Council of European Ministers in Luxembourg on Tuesday, where everyone congratulated Fidesz on the election victory. He also received many text messages last week from the ambassadors accredited to Budapest, "I'm not complaining, a lot of people are happy about the victory of Fidesz-KDNP", he added.

Governments that accept national sovereignty and opinions different from the liberal mainstream will always be under attack, he explained.

Two days after the election, the European Commission announced the launch of the rule of law mechanism against Hungary, to which the government reacted by saying that Brussels was blowing the same note as the Hungarian left. When asked in this regard whether this rhetoric does not hinder the dialogue, the Minister of Justice explained:

"This news clearly shows the difference between reality and the image shown by the left-liberal media. First of all: we have not yet received any official information about the procedure, we do not have the letter about it. On the other hand

the vocal progressive liberal-left majority in the European Parliament is apparently putting a lot of pressure on the committee, which is forced to give in somewhat, after all, their president is officially elected by the EP.

The announcement was made in response to an oral question, and even the representatives were a little surprised. This is nothing more than part of the tactics between the EP and the EC. All of this is intensified after the Fidesz-KDNP has now been given the authority to govern for the fourth time in a row, and this time it has never been seen before - despite the fact that they tried to help the domestic left from Brussels and elsewhere," Judit Varga assessed the situation .

Regarding whether the government would be willing to, for example, join the European Public Prosecutor's Office, since Ursula von der Leyen also highlighted corruption among the risks in the EP, Judit Varga said:

"We have made many gestures so far, as I mentioned, for example, Hungary did not veto when we voted on joint borrowing. In comparison, we are now at a point where there are countries that can use these resources, while others cannot. But let's take the fight against corruption as a criterion! Hungary has an anti-corruption strategy, many member states do not have one, but they are not criticized.

They refer to the reports and perceptions of Soros organizations, while specific procedures are initiated in Hungary, for example, as a result of OLAF investigations, and indictments are brought to an extent that far exceeds the EU average.

He added:

Regarding the independence of the judiciary, it is enough to point out that, unlike other countries, the Minister of Justice has no influence on its operation in our country.

"The appointment of judges is decided by self-elected bodies, the president of the Court and the court office is elected by the parliament. There is no question of dismantling the rule of law, moreover, looking at the GDP growth data, our country and Poland are in the lead, unemployment has decreased, and we managed to quickly recover from the covid crisis. We are top students in almost all important indicators, I could even mention the fulfillment of climate goals or the modernization of industry. In fact, it is a battle of worldviews, ideological pressure and double standards. The Child Protection Act is a prime example of this, previously it was our position on migration."

Source and full interview: Magyar Hírlap

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