Magda Ritoók, the founder of psychological counseling in Hungary, died at the age of 86, the Department of Counseling and School Psychology of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology (PPK) of ELTE announced on its Facebook page on Sunday  .

Dr. Magda Ritoók this morning .

Ritook Magdalena

image: ELTE

Magda was the founder of psychological counseling in Hungary, for a long time she was the head of the Department of Counseling Psychology at the Institute of Psychology at ELTE, the founder of the Higher Education Counseling Association, the founder of the specialized further training for Counseling psychologists and Life Guidance Counseling at ELTE, and the founder of Peer Help in our country.

It is a great loss and sadness that we have to say goodbye.

Source: ELTE PPK/Facebook

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