The Forum Institute will be an active builder of the ecosystem of social enterprises and social innovations in southern Slovakia, continuing and developing the work that it started in the civil sector of the region more than two decades ago. He is currently creating a podcast studio in his headquarters in Somorja, in which conversations related to the topic will be recorded - read on the Felvidé portal.

On April 26, in the framework of an international online conference, he will present social entrepreneurs and innovators, the most important trends in our region and the planned EU support tools on the subject. The project is implemented with the support of the INTERREG Slovakia-Hungary program.

Social innovations and social enterprises (socin) create solutions, products and services that can be effective answers to today's most pressing social problems.

While the first social enterprises were established in Western Europe 30 years ago, in post-communist countries the sector is still in its infancy. However, progress is clearly visible, the sector is being developed by various incubators and accelerators in Slovakia and Hungary, and law-making bodies have created special legal forms for social enterprises.

The Hungarian community in Slovakia – the project's number one target group – was only reached by a few, and mainly small development programs on this topic.

Two reasons were given for this.

One is that the existing national programs are organized in Slovakia, they do not deal with the Hungarian community in Slovakia as a separate target audience, so their communication often does not even reach the Hungarian potential target groups.

The other reason is that the topic is still less known in the community, and potential social entrepreneurs and innovators do not proactively search for available Slovak, Hungarian, or other foreign programs.

The aim of the project is to support the creation of new ideas and initiatives with a new communication service in the form of a podcast (audio and video) on social topics, and to incorporate them into the development programs of the Forum Institute and the project partner KDMFÜ...


The full article can be read here.

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