Flick. Let's savor this just a little bit, like fine wine with cork chips

On the morning of the formation of the new Parliament, the members of Momentum took an alternative oath, because according to the party, the real oath "says very little about the responsibility and duty of a politician today". What's up here, my friends? Is a fractional party, the heavily overrepresented wreckage of the opposition, which failed in all respects and won barely 30 percent, neglecting the Basic Law? "Alternatives" - but they decided that both yes and no - so would they pocket the billions of state subsidies?

Let's pretend that there are two thirds, but the fallen ruin pub revolutionaries decide? Do you want to make out with me? Okay, fine, then I would insist that my country is an independent state, exists on Christian principles, marriage is between a man and a woman, and we only accept refugees with documents! From here, from these moments, we can start the dialogue.

Author: Dániel Galsai

Source: magyarhirlap.hu Image: Ákos Hadházy Facebook