Hundreds of Ukrainian refugees are receiving accommodation and care in the Transcarpathian Hungarian institutions maintained by the Hungarian government, which welcome those in trouble in internal Ukraine regardless of ethnicity, language and religion, said János Árpád Potápi, the State Secretary responsible for national policy at the Prime Minister's Office.

Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war conflict, church and educational institutions maintained and supported through the National Policy State Secretariat of the Prime Minister's Office, II. Ferenc Rákóczi Subcarpathian Hungarian College and Vocational Training Centers, church lyceums and colleges in Nagydobronyi, Péterfalv, Nagybereg, Karácsfalva, Munkacs and Técső participate in the high-quality accommodation and care of hundreds of refugees.

The heating and other overhead costs and expenses of the institutions are provided by the State Secretariat for National Policy.

In the listed institutions, nearly 800 internal Ukrainian refugees are currently accommodated and cared for. Hungary aims to contribute to helping the people of Ukraine with this indirect support, in addition to humanitarian aid shipments, and to strengthen the exemplary Ukrainian-Hungarian cooperation that is currently taking place in Subcarpathia in helping the needy.

 In the war situation, Hungary reacted immediately and provided all assistance to the members of the Transcarpathian Hungarian national community, and provided for the Ukrainian refugees beyond its means.

We prove once again that the Transcarpathian Hungarians and the troubled Ukrainian people can count on Hungary.

For the Hungarian government, it is extremely important that there is peace in Ukraine as soon as possible.

It is in Hungary's interest that the neighboring Ukraine be a sovereign, balanced, democratic state of law, where national minorities, including the Transcarpathian Hungarian minority, can live safely and peacefully in their homeland.

The support of the Transcarpathian Hungarian community continues. We will do everything we can to ensure the functioning of Transcarpathian Hungarian organizations even in a war situation, because these organizations are still our most important partners in maintaining the Transcarpathian Hungarian community.


Featured image: Source: MTI/Zoltán Balogh