The biggest problem of the left is that it does not have a socially acceptable leader, because Ferenc Gyurcsány cannot be one due to his historical crime as a grave one, and Péter Márki-Zay could not be one - political scientist G. Fodor Gábor stated to Index, evaluating the political situation.

Evaluating today's politicians, Gábor G. Fodor, the XXI. The strategic director of Szazad Intézet said that Orbán is the type of political leader who is favored by the crisis. "It is permissible to argue that if there is a problem, Orbán is needed, and a government that can adapt to this challenge, while at the same time acknowledging that the person precedes the institution. "The political figure, i.e. the prime minister, has a controlling role, and the government manages the affairs like a good bureaucrat", stated the political scientist.

Source: Róbert MH Hegedüs

Source: Róbert MH Hegedüs

G. Gábor Fodor sees that the left lacks just such a personality, because Gyurcsány is the aspect of political morality, he couldn't be because of the gravity of the historical crime, and Péter Márki-Zay has a different type of character problem, since he is not a politician, but an analyst behave. He does not mobilize with his words, but gives a subjective assessment of the situation.

"Gyurcsány as a concept condenses into itself everything that is a metaphor for political evil, that must be avoided, everything that is negative," said the political scientist about society's judgment, adding: "Gyurcsány and the left set the stage for this themselves. Moreover, Gyurcsány is the shaper of political events, he did not disappear, he is here among us, and whatever he does, he will be the evil one."

According to the analyst's assessment

now a Gyurcsány party is emerging in the parliament, but the opposition is somehow out of line, they have no alternative proposal to the voters.

As if he wanted to confirm Gábor G. Fodor's words, Péter Márki-Zay appeared on his social media page with another analysis. "Is he a brick who talks to a Fidesz?" - reflected the failed left-wing prime ministerial candidate in response to the fact that after he accepted the invitation of public television and met with János Lázár, his former allies called him an agent of power.

Source: hodpres

Péter Márki-Zay and János Lázár/Hódpress

In response, he questioned the critic's state of mind, since in his opinion, as the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely, he should negotiate with everyone for the sake of the city's development, while regarding the appearance on public television, he said: "We have been knocking on a door for four years, and when they open it, should we voluntarily say no? Normal?"

Source: Magyar Hírlap

Featured image: István Mirkó/Hungarian Nation