According to the plans, Budapest residents will be able to find out what Gergely Karácsony is up to in the summer at the earliest. So far, the mayor has only announced that car traffic will be banned from the lower quay south of the Chain Bridge. But more than that is not currently known, so neither is how much all this will cost the citizens of the capital.

Mayor Gergely Karácsony announced after the elections that he would continue to penalize motorists and ban vehicle traffic from the lower wharf in Pest in the area south of the Chain Bridge. The city manager felt that the decision would be very unpopular, so he did not dare to publish the plans for the closure during the campaign period.

Since then, nothing more has been known about the project, including, for example, how much the transformation of the quay will cost the citizens of Budapest. The Budapest Transport Center signed a contract with the winners of the reconstruction tender in August 2021. Based on the statements made so far, Karácsony's plans for the transformation of the wharf may be made public by the summer of 2022, but until then we will not know anything about the costs, the exact content of the investment, nor what detours motorists will be able to use in the north of Budapest. during southbound traffic.

By the way, the first section of the wharf cost taxpayers more than HUF one billion. The next phase of the renovations will certainly consume more serious sums.

And one can only hope that the contractors will not be forced to adapt to the daily changing ideas of Karácsony during the development of the plans. However, we can be sure of one thing: traffic jams and confusion will remain with us.

Due to Gergely Karácsony's thoughtless actions, motorists took the shortest route in Budapest. For the first time, the mayor painted bicycle lanes on the boulevard like a raid, which significantly slowed down downtown traffic.

Then, last summer, the renovation of several transport hubs, such as Blaha Lujza Square, a section of Pest's lower wharf, Clark Ádám Square, and the Chain Bridge began at the same time.

The result was that Budapest was drowning in unprecedented traffic jams. However, Gergely Karácsony did not end his punishment for motorists with all of this, as from 2023 he will close the quay to vehicles in the section south of the Chain Bridge and push traffic into the city center.

Source: Origo

Featured image: MTVA Archive