On May 21, the approximately one thousand young people gathered in Nagymaros again in the form of a personal meeting, who could learn more about their own donations and service during the day. The motto of the meeting sounded unusual and at the same time inviting: "You are worth something". The main speaker of the day was journalist and trainer Gergő Süveges, and the afternoon mass was presented by Vác County Bishop Zsolt Marton.

Due to the heavy rain in the morning, the young people started the meeting in the church with prayer and chants invoking the Holy Spirit. The music service was provided by the Bánszki Band throughout the day. OFM Benedek Dobszay greeted the participants, and before introducing the theme of the occasion, he said that after the online meetings of the past period, 950 people took part in the Youth Meeting in Nagymaros in October. He announced that the autumn event will be held on the first of October.

Father András Balázs and Kati Földvári, the hosts of the meeting - after the rain stopped - greeted the young people from the various dioceses, the Greek Catholics and guests from across the border, and last but not least Ferenc Palánki, the county bishop of Debrecen-Nyiregyháza responsible for youth, in the parish garden.

In the Holy Scriptures, we can read in several places about the gifts received from the Spirit: "special abilities that God gives freely, by grace, to every member of the body of Christ for the growth of the Church". I have personalized gifts, as few people get a combination of these besides me. I get them for free, so I have no reason to brag about them, it's more about discovering them, thanking them, and using them. Every member of the body of Christ receives gifts. Since the body has many members, God has distributed the faculties among us to serve one another.

Source: magyarkurir.hu

Source: magyarkurir.hu

Immersion in prayer was followed by various faculties. Gergő Süveges helped those interested in self-knowledge in the parish garden, linking well-known saints to different spiritual characters. SP Lajos Kerényi spoke in the church about the development of personality with captivating freshness and kindness. Fathers Előd Ákos Brückner, Sándor Somogyi, Ákos Fülöp and András Balázs answered the participants' questions on Kálváriadomb. In the great hall of the Szent Márton Community House, the Compass Vocational Training Workshop held a session for young people between the ages of 18 and 35. In the courtyard, meanwhile, the students of the Sapientia Monastic College of Religious Studies helped this age group in self-awareness in three groups.

At the end of the day, Father Előd Ákos Brückner encouraged those present to formulate what they would take home. We are not worth anything, since Jesus gave himself for us. The 12th-century apostle St. Bernard recommended daily practice to anyone who asked, “Lord, what do you want with me? Bernat, what were you born for?"

After the ceremonial procession of the children's parade, one of their leaders emphasized: "Here are the sneakers-wearing saints of the future", then he also said that 183 children took part in today's children's parade, and a volunteer community of 40 people helped them in their work.

At the end of the Holy Mass, Jenő Sillye went on stage, and as a thanksgiving, the emblematic song "Múlnak az years..." was played to the great joy of everyone. The song also said: "Let true peace come to earth", and while the surrounding area was ringing, a snow-white dove flew over the altar in a quite surreal way, then made three circles and made its way towards the Danube.

Source and full article and featured image: Magyar Kurír