Gergely Karácsony would also ban motorists from the Chain Bridge after the wharf. The mayor said at a press conference: there are arguments in favor of only buses and cyclists traveling on the Chain Bridge. According to the left-wing mayor, there is minimal traffic on the Chain Bridge compared to other bridges, but it is used by public transport. However, several professional organizations do not agree with the plans - it was said in M1's program Ma reglegg.

Gábor Dittel, the executive secretary of the National Transportation Industry Board of Private Entrepreneurs, said that Mayor Gergely Karácsony did not consult with them about closing the Chain Bridge to car traffic. The executive general secretary considers this strange because there is a tourism round table in the capital - the point of which is that the organizations that are at home in the capital's tourism life and try to make it cultured. This body was not convened, even though the chairman of this round table is the current deputy mayor.

" Closing the Chain Bridge can be a problem - especially for group tourists - because there are so-called sightseeing tours, " said Gábor Dittel.

On these sightseeing tours, after getting off the boat, tourists are taken through the most beautiful spots of the capital, and the tunnel and the Buda Castle belong to this. And if such important points are closed, then transportation by bus would become complicated, he added.

The executive secretary of the National Transport Industry Association of Private Entrepreneurs said in relation to the closure of the lower wharf in Pest that it is not clear how the capital's leadership envisions this issue. At the lower wharf, there are many ships that need to be served, that is, not only the passengers, but also the staff serving the passengers, food and drinks must be delivered to the ships. The question is how this will be resolved.

Gábor Dittel also said that there is also a written, bus-strategic material for the professional arguments related to the closure of the Chain Bridge and the lower wharf in Pest, which was prepared by several organizations and was accepted, among others, by the Capital Tourism Round Table. And in this document, the experts described it and suggested the places where stopping is problematic.

According to the expert, it would be worthwhile for the management of the capital to sit down at least once and think through what the tourism organizations say, or read what they give, and make professional decisions accordingly.

Greening and environmental protection are completely legitimate, but there is also tourism, which brings in income for environmental protection to operate at an even higher level - emphasized Gábor Dittel.

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