The Association of Christian Intellectuals has published a call, in which it now calls on the parishes and congregations of the Carpathian Basin to commemorate the anniversary of the Trianon Peace Edict with prayer and ringing bells on June 4 in as many locations as possible.

The sound of the bell calls to prayer, conveys joy, celebrates victory, warns of danger or says goodbye to the dead. A sign of life, a proof of survival for us.

That is why we asked the Hungarian religious communities of the Carpathian Basin, regardless of denomination, to continue our tradition related to the Trianon anniversary and to ring the bell in our churches on June 4, at 4:30 p.m. Hungarian time, the time of the signing of the peace decree, and then to pray for the unity of the Hungarian nation and the for the defense of the Christian faith.

Thanks to the local groups of KÉSZ, there will be bell ringing and prayers in many settlements. Dioceses across the border have also indicated their participation. Such is the Transylvanian Reformed Church District or the Romanian Evangelical Lutheran Church, from which 43 parishes joined. Furthermore, many cities in the motherland have also indicated that they are commemorating Trianon in community.

In the south, they are preparing for June 4 in a large community. Károly Szabó, president of the Christian Intellectual Circle, reported on this:

"KÉK commemorates the Trianon Memorial Day in Délvidék every year. The parish communities of our 28 local groups undertake active participation in joint evangelization with KÉSZ. In addition, more than 50 Hungarian parishes operate in Vojvodina, so members of the local community also join. It is a special pleasure that our Protestant brothers also indicated their intention to participate in the spirit of ecumenism. The communities of Újvidék, Topolya, Szabadka and many other southern cities are praying together for peace."

We are confident that the strengthening of the Christian faith and national unity is considered important by many.

Anyone who wants to participate in our initiative can join by filling out the link

Source: DONE

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