The director responsible for online content of the Austrian public media resorted to a funny trick: he published unacceptable lines on his Facebook page in order to jump the rabbit out of the bush.

It would be absurd to even assume that in a democratic state of law, such as Austria, a leader of the independent public media would even think of wishing someone dead even in a drunken state, and if he did happen to think of it, then (for being a competent professional) he posts it publicly and media-consciously - if this happens, it can only be a clever sociological experiment, during which they investigate who and how reacts to this provocation.

Just as no one can seriously think that the head of the thorough and objective ORF, who is responsible for online mass media, even as a private person, sends into the virtual space people who say that Viktor Orbán is a "self-proclaimed arch- Catholic " and that it was a capital mistake for Hungary, this "ungrateful country and to admit its nationalist, unthinking population" into the European Union.

An Austrian dripping with European values ​​and at the same time with historical knowledge would obviously not describe such a thing - if he did, it could only be a ruse, with the help of which they would find out how many enlightened intellectuals' brains are covered by Orbán hatred to such an extent that they blindly like a party full of factual errors and self-contradictions. a work of writing that brushes the level of the most primitive pub heat from below. How many nod to this style among those who, with their little finger, teach Zsolt Bayer good manners as an inexorable judge.

But it is also obvious that the European opinion maker of ORF only fantasized about how expedient it would be for a father of several children and a grandfather in his fifties to die of a heart attack in order to see how many super-empathetic champions of sensitivity would be outraged by such a suggestion. Are there any of them who will comment that I also hate Zorbán, but let's imagine ourselves in the place of the masses who lost their close relatives due to a heart attack. Or what will happen next in the world's most livable city, in the model country of advanced civilization: we jokingly tell our political opponent that your kidneys would stop?

And of course, we also feel that when the same ORF leader writes in a subsequent post that "of course I do not 'wish' Orbán's death, as some people have read from my sarcastic text" , he is doing it just to test how many educated snobs are fainting away from this, raving about what exemplary European behavior this retreat is, how much better we would be if it were the same in our country - and does it perhaps occur to someone that this is exactly the same evasion as the now-despised Péter Márki - Zay during the explanations after the "misunderstood" statements in the campaign. (Not to mention the fact that the author put the word "I wish" in quotation marks, which suggests that he does not "wish", but actually "wants", "would like", or at least "strongly desires" - I would like to draw the attention of those (to the expression "möge" in the original post, which has a more evocative wording in the German language.)

And the experiment was a resounding success - following the article, masses of opposition intellectuals fighting for the rule of law and democracy took turns in the comment sections: this style, this tone is exactly theirs. How cool this kid Karl said!

"Don't let a simple heart attack take him away, I've wished him much worse", "What's so scandalous about this?", "I'd rather have a stroke and paralysis for him, hehehe", "That's right, he's saying what millions of us are thinking" - rain down concordant cultural texts; I would refrain from summoning the more incompetent ones. "Compared to the fact that Bayer made a fool of the Pope, this is almost nothing" are the relativizing comments, according to which there is nothing wrong with the rather characterful political position of the leading civil servant of the unbiased Austrian public media in the European sense, as the severely biased Orbánist propagandist of the so-called lackey media also says on our side ugly ones. Logical, almost. At the same time, the question is that if one of the leaders of ORF fantasizes about eliminating a prime minister on an average weekday evening and makes an entire nation miserable, then what is the guarantee that when he goes in to edit the news the next morning, he will report on the same country without bias.

I don't think it's impossible anyway, but I'd like to hear this from those who believe that Katalin Novák is unfit to represent the whole country, because 3-4 years ago, at the Fidesz election results, she wore Fidesz earrings on two occasions between 9pm and midnight.

In other respects, I wish the director of ORF a long life in good health; explain to us in many, many more, subsequently removed, reabsorbed and explained ramblings, who qualifies as a mindless bloodthirsty Nazi.


Author: Francesca Rivafinoli

(Cover photo: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer )