It was an unforgivable sin on the part of the Western powers that they gifted Central Europe, including our country, to the Soviet Union, which helped them win the Second World War. Of course, this was not the first time they did something like this, because Westerners have always seen the world as their property, where they can draw national borders, stamp or settle peoples here and there, or impose socio-political systems on others.

Still, the Soviet occupation had such a benefit that the empty world view, tired of prosperity, which is currently working on the self-liquidation of Western culture and civilization, and which is trying to drag us down with it, arrived late.

Thanks to the many undeserved and unjust attacks, a kind of national solidarity has developed against the violent colonialist efforts that consider us as enemies, which is not only manifested in the fourth two-thirds parliamentary victory, but also on the level of everyday life.

It's a shame that there are still quite a few ideologues and politicians temporarily stationed in our country who refuse to understand the soul and emotions, intentions and desires of this community, and who constantly bombard us with their malicious positions.

It is not even possible to create a consensus with them that minor fans of a football match should not be racist (in addition, their children, relatives, and students may also be among them) or at least not say such stupid things on the day of mourning for the dismemberment of the country that they have better things to do in Slovakia and Romania attached to Hungarians, as if they had stayed in Hungary (Copyright by Péter Niedermüller.).

Like a drop in the sea, Judit N. Kósa's article in Népszava shows how the sympathizers of the left live in a different world, removed from Hungarian reality. Using the incomprehensible gesture to us, the wrestling with their own conscience, as an excuse to whistle the English soccer players who kneel down on us, the author brags that when he was ten years old, he asked his mother for a Soviet pioneer tie from his mother, who was leaving for Moscow. (A short Google search reveals that this mother is Magda Kósáné Kovács, the darkest Kádárism herself, who could even be present in the parliament of the turn of the millennium, and made a mistake with her statement that "laws cannot be made on a moral basis").

In Orbánistan, however, these children of today learned how to become Hungarian.

Apart from the fact that everyone who can write the word "Hungarian" should be locked up for the crime of violence against the language, I respectfully indicate that yes, he realized that this is our faith.

The uplifting happiness of belonging to a national community, in which our history, traditions, mother tongue, culture, customs, genetics, past, present and future are present at the same time. And those who are completely insensitive to these should not want to write a newspaper for us, lead a district or teach literature.

Here is another example of how they are able to combine double standards, immeasurable hatred of our country with adoration of foreign countries. György Sebes presents the jubilee celebration of the Queen of England as a grandiose example from which we could really learn. Those who are painfully drawn every time someone brings up the restoration of the kingdom that has existed for almost a thousand years to this country, bow before the self-proclaiming of the vacant British monarchy.

An employee of the Austrian public service channel's ambiguous (indeed unmistakable) post, in which he wished the death of the Hungarian prime minister, caused a big scandal, and the journalist was even fired from his job. I think it was a shame. We have to let them speak, let N. Kósa and Sebes write, let's see the immeasurable mixed hatred they feel, because in this way they also maintain our immune system.

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Featured image: AFP/OLI SCARFF/Illustration