As expected, Péter Niedermüller's statement did not remain without an echo in Transylvania - the chronicle can be read on the online portal.

As is known, the politician of the Gyurcsány party formulated his astonishing message on the occasion of the day of national unity. In his social media post, the mayor of Erzsébetváros said: "let's also think about those Hungarians who, thanks to Trianon, live better today in Romania, Slovakia and other neighboring countries than we do here in Hungary."

In this regard, Sándor Tamás, the chairman of the Kovászna County Council, believes that Ferenc Gyurcsány and his party "defame the Hungarian nation and Hungary in a regressive way, with a premeditated intention" . According to the regional president of the RMDSZ, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was right when he said: the left always attacks the nation when it can. "Knowing the history of the Democratic Coalition, I ask, what else could come out of these people's souls besides hatred? After Trianon, the Niedermüllers should have moved here to us in Székelyföld. They should have lived and worked here for a hundred years, and then they wouldn't have said such big bullshit," Sándor Tamás wrote in his social media post.

According to him, Niedermüller is just like the National Communists in Bucharest: they always know better what is good for us, the Hungarians of Transylvania and Székelyföld. The head of the RMDSZ reminded that Fidesz asked the DK politician to apologize to the Hungarians abroad . However, according to the council president, Ferenc Gyurcsány and his party do not need to apologize, because in the past decade and a half they have done everything they could against the Hungarians across the border. "Pray to the Good Lord, because we cannot forgive such capital sins. I have a good piece of advice for Péter Niedermüller: don't come to Székelyföld recently," Sándor Tamás concluded his post.

The entire article can be read on the Krónika portal.

Photo: Sándor Tamás/Facebook