I quote István Vágó relatively often. I consider the former quiz master to be a real emblematic figure - in the most negative sense of the word, writes Dániel Galsai in Magyar Hírlap.

Vágó eloquently proves the hopelessness of the left-liberal intelligentsia, and also the place where even an educated person can sink if he becomes addicted to the mind-altering substance called Gyurcsány. This time, he tried to repeat the kneeling before the Hungarian-English football match, addressing State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Tamás Menczer: "In your opinion, there are two Hungarians kneel before. The English is... whoever sees fit, isn't it? One thing is certain: they did not kneel "against us", but in solidarity with others. Who does this hurt? Why should they be booed for that? It’s their business, isn’t it?” Well, of course.

Based on these, Hungarian athletes can also kneel because of Trianon, say at a Romanian or French competition, isn't that right, István? What would the people there say about this? However, we would not demonstrate because of the death of a drug-addicted criminal. Are you allowed to kneel? Okay! But then you're allowed to whistle, that's the minimum! But in Gyurcsány's pseudo-liberalism, based on national hatred, the minimum is sometimes more than the maximum.

In any case, the left can safely say: not even half of what they say is true. They always left behind a lot of unanswered questions when they came to power. After them in the quiz!

Source: Magyar Hírlap

Featured image: Savaria Gallery