The French-language Belgian newspaper Le Soir deigned to condescend to us and the Belgian mortals, and paid some attention to the President of the Hungarian Republic, who took office in May, Mandiner reported.

"The smiling diplomacy of President Katalin Novák", the Belgian newspaper also mentions that "forty-year-old Katalin Novák , the first female head of state and the youngest official in the country's history, chose Warsaw for her international baptism of fire as the president of the Republic of Hungary on May 17, while her predecessors started in Vienna and their work."

According to Le Soir, the purpose of the visit was to preserve the "special relationship" with Budapest's main regional ally, which has been damaged by the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The portal also recalled what happened at the press conference based on the article of the Belgian press agency. Among other things, Katalin Novák condemned Vladimir Putin's aggression and rejected "all efforts to re-establish the Soviet Union", as she clearly did three days earlier, at the inauguration ceremony in front of the Hungarian Parliament. After that, he praised the two countries' adherence to Christian beliefs, faith, the protection of "traditional families" and national interests.

"Katalin Novák essentially serves as a firefighter to curb the tensions around Hungary and refresh the image of her country damaged by twelve years of Orbánism," said Le Soir about the Hungarian head of state, who was inaugurated in May.

2022plus: The Belgians mistake the season for the style. The fools. It was not the Hungarian prime minister, but the European globalists and their lackey press that damaged the image of our country. The many lying, malicious filth they pour out of their mouths/pens/computers at us every day. And there is no Orbánism, only Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. And there is also democracy, in which Hungarian voters decide who will be prime minister. Even the little clumsy Belgian penmen should understand this. Then maybe they wouldn't write nonsense.

Source: Mandarin

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