A celebratory reception was held on Monday evening in the Carmelite Monastery on the occasion that Péter Erdő, a Széchenyi Prize-winning Catholic theologian, cardinal, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, Primate of Hungary, academician, recipient of the Hungarian Order of Saint Stephen, turned 70 on June 25, MTI announced with Bertalan Havasi, the prime minister's press chief.

In his welcoming speech, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán praised the church leader's service. He asked Péter Erdő to continue to love and support Hungary and to show his attention to secular leaders.

"We know that we have entered an era of epidemics, wars, unrest, and it is obvious that if there is no Christian unity in the matter of peace and the protection of the Christian heritage, then we will be lost. The Hungarian nation can only remain in peace, for this we ask for the help of the cardinal, as well as our Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant brothers and sisters," the Prime Minister emphasized.

In his speech, Cardinal Péter Erdő also spoke about the importance of peace, he said that now we are all praying for peace, because "everything is based on this".

Source: vasarnap.hu

Featured image: fakták.hu/skelenarfoto