“The dementors have struck. We got to know their models from the Harry Potter stories, from whom these ordered for us can be recognized. They look like a dirty hideous horse blanket, they suck the soul out of people who come near them, and even the water freezes when they slide over it. So they have come again, and they are threateningly circling the airspace of the Déva-Budapest axis, waiting for when they can take the soul of Csaba Böjte.

Our dementors are special specimens, since despite the fact that they are indiscriminately used by anyone, so it is absurd to talk about morality in their case, they are still moralizing now. Brother Csaba is being called to resign, because a pedophile scoundrel who worked for some time as an educator in the institutions of the Szent Ferenc Dévai Foundation was sentenced to thirty years in Romania. Why didn't he notice, why didn't he know about it, why did he tolerate it, why did he take action so late, why doesn't he read Rita Perintfalvi instead of the Bible? In other words, he is actually the culprit, he should immediately sprinkle ashes on his head and stand as a hermit somewhere in the depths of the primeval forests!

But what is the real crime of Csaba Böjte, with which he unleashed the bloodiest commando of mother-sorrowing soul killers? This original sin is the following: it is said that Csaba Böjte once said in front of the employees of the foundation that "we are pushing Orbán's cart". Well, that shouldn't have happened. From this point on, the steadfast work carried out for thirty years, the thousands of children saved and set on the right path, the selfless service that knows no fatigue, the personal example - Orbán's man must be pounded into the clay."

Source: mandiner.hu/Ottó Gajdics

Featured image: magyarkurir.hu