July 16 is the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. In the depictions, the Patroness of the Carmelites holds the Baby Jesus in one arm and holds out her scapular with the other hand. The scapular is often also in the hand of the Little One. It is often seen in Carmelite churches and on the side altars of other churches.

In several places, the Holy Scriptures mention Mount Carmel, where the prophet Elijah lived and defended the purity of the faith (1 Kings 17-19). The church fathers saw the mountain the Virgin Mary . Many hermits lived on the mountain, and in the 12th century an order was founded here with the aim of continuing a contemplative lifestyle under the protection of the Virgin. In the cloud rising from the sea (1 Kings 18:44), which brought the saving rain in Elijah's time, they saw the image of the Virgin Mary. This is how the Carmelite order was born.

Saint Simon of Stock received the vision of the scapular on July 16, 1251. According to tradition, the Virgin appeared to the head of the order accompanied by angels and saints and handed him the scapular with the promise that whoever wears it will not go to hell and will be released from purgatory on the Saturday following his death. This privilege was later extended to all believers, in addition to members of the order, who wear the scapular or its medal version and undertake the appropriate lifestyle under the protection of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

The veneration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel was brought to Europe by the monks who were forced to leave their ancient hermitage while fleeing from the Saracens. The Carmelites celebrate the feast of their mother, their patroness, from 1376/78. Papal approval for the observance of the holiday from Sixtus V in 1587, and then the memorial day was established in XIII. Benedict extended it to the entire church in 1726.

The houses of the Carmelites are still places of prayer and spiritual immersion in our country and around the world.

Our Lord, our God, may the blessed intercession of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the glorious Virgin Mary, help us, so that, guided by her protective hand, we may reach the mountain which is Christ himself. He who lives with you and reigns in unity with the Holy Spirit is God forever and ever. Amen.

Source: Hungarian courier