In vain, well, we handled that well. A genius, a fantastic thinker. a phenomenon sits in the seat of the chief executive of the Budapest City Hall. But good for us! A person who sees clearly and is of the opinion that the main value of the capital is Pride.

But if this is the main value, then what do we call Gergely Karácsony ? The genius who achieved the fastest chaos in world history in Budapest. The one who invented (or rather learned from one of the sames) the glorious act of baptism. There is no need to mow here, just call the gas sea a bee pasture, then everything is fine. He declared a climate emergency, and he is right, because as a result of his salutary activity, it actually develops every day, thanks to the morning and afternoon service.

Thanks to our mayor, we got to know the policy of "le@rom", which he not only voices, but also puts it into practice. He leaves Budapest in a big arc, and instead undertakes opposition country tours.

This excellent man, fluent in English, is implacably consistent. He consistently opposes everything that benefits the citizens of the capital. No Liget project, no athletics WC, no water WC, but yes Pride. Out to the town hall with the rainbow flags, because this is Budapest's main asset. For. It was nice to be elected, wasn't it?

Karigeri writes such things (or is written instead, because it is doubtful whether he can formulate such sentences by himself):

"In the past, cities surrounded themselves with walls to protect their values ​​and principles.
Today, we defend our principles and values ​​by tearing down these walls. We tear down the wall that is built out of hatred in the way of freedom, that is built in front of the truth by lies. As mayor, it is my duty to stand by those who stand up for their rights and freedom, and as a father, partner and sensitive person, this is natural for me."

Beautiful. Of course, it is a fact that this city administration is a world champion in demolition , but they are not demolishing the city walls, but normalcy by the thousands . And of course, they are wonderfully capable of distorting reality. Who hates who here? Hell doesn't hate Pride deviants, we're just not interested in them. Keep your skewed sexuality to yourself and don't provoke (very rudely, one might say dirty) those who don't care what and how they do in their bedroom.

Christmas lies without batting an eye. He pretends that we have organized teams chasing trans- or the French knows what genders. It is as if the "oppressed trans masses" are forced to flee and fear. This big-hearted hedgehog (and his gang) pretends that the deviants' demonstration is a freedom struggle. It's not, it's just simple aggression against normalcy.

Karácsony calls the Pride parade the main value of Budapest. Me (and many others) not at all. It's true, if they want to leave, let them do it, even if it means nothing. But to call something that is not even close to it a value is a degree of stupidity that cannot even be interpreted anymore.

Of course not - because it doesn't make sense.

Author: Jr. György Tóth

(Cover image source: Facebook)